When I tell people what I do they usually give me an amazed or sad face often followed by a, "I don't think I could ever do that." And while I agree that many people can't do such, I also don't think they know what a blessing it is to my life.
So I work at The Nurturing Center (http://www.thenurturingcenter.org)which is a family-focused therapeutic treatment center for child abuse and neglect. My "official" title is a Individual and play therapist and I have been there now for over six years.
Yes, I have seen a lot of painful things. And yes, there is so much sin in the world that sometimes it seems overwhelming and hopeless. And yes, it is hard at times when you hear the unimaginable things that have happened to theses souls.....
But it has taught me so much. So much about who I am, so much about my Savior and the hope he brings, so much about what lies beneath the surface, so much about how similar we all are -except for a few variables that seem to cause so much division and so much of the pain that is out there.
I'm blessed that theses women (and sometimes men) are willing to share there heartaches with me. There are times I want to just wrap my arms around them to show them Christ's love...but much of the time all I can do is hand them a tissue and lift them up in my prayers. How I wish I could see them grab onto the hope that is there for us all, the only true thing that is going to make a difference in their life. The restorer and redeemer that waits for us. I wish they could receive the hope that I have been so graciously given. Until then, I will continue to plant seeds that may one day be enlightened by the SON.