The past few weeks have been hard, really hard on our family. With my baby sister really sick for a month and in the hospital for most of that time, my other sister under the weather and my parent's heart's heavy in caring for my sister we were ready for some time together as a family. However, the beach house that my mom booked was still to early for my sister to get out of the hospital, much to all of our grave disappointment. My sister, though, instead on my mom coming for part of the time. So after much nagging and her swallowing up some guilt, she was able to do so. Her "dream" of us all being able to go as a family didn't quit happen, but at least we got pieces of it.
Although the nausea ran strong for both my sister and I, much fun and relaxation was had by all. The only other time Zoe has been to the beach, was when she was 6 months and now that she can get around, boy did she! I was thankful have other hands because I think she only sat down once all the times we did go to the beach.
The boys enjoyed looking for sharks teeth.
I'm not sure who loved spending time together more, Zoe or her Poppy!
Zoe's love/fear relationship with the birds
Sadness that Beach's nice camera remained fogged up and that my cheap one proved all pictures to bright, that my youngest sister could not be there, or my parents the whole time, but over all an awesome experience.
My of my favorite times, during out last very overcast day, when Zoe was just so worn down by her Poppy, waves and fun, she let me hold and snuggle with her. We just watched the waves together and tears welled up in my eyes, as I felt the love of the Lord and his peace and blessing wash over me.