Friday, July 31, 2015

Silly, hot and wet and a little of everything in between (July 15)

The dog days of summer are upon us and the kiddos are always ready to go somewhere...
How did my baby get so big!!!
Peek-a-boo fun, as we explored a new (to us) playground!
Their smiles....melt me!
My dreamer!
Zoe had a good report from the Dr. regarding her biopsied cyst that was removed.  That called for a date for ice cream to celebrate for sure!
On the way there, Zoe's sweet little heart asked me if we could each get our own cone (instead of sharing)!  Then she offered to give me one of the coupons she had earned, as she didn't need to have that much sugar!
When an out of town friend texted me stating they would be at the zoo...I had to be there too!  We rearranged some things and blazed the heat for a sweet quick visit!
Guess who learned how to point!  He wants to communicate so badly!
I love how he just hangs on to my shirt sometimes.  Little stud!
By the end I packed my oh so happy kids in the one stroller, as they were clearly done...This was the best pic I could manage!
Nothing says 4th of July like goats!
We had a fun time at a friend's house in the country.
Animal selfies and all!
After a swim the girls enjoyed a pony ride.
Well, Shi did for a short minute before she was done!
You can't skip the sparklers!
There are some major advantages of being a baby around here....late night popcorn and movies with mom and dad when we got home!
When friends come in town from across the world, you move and shift and make it happen to have them over and do a little spoiling!  Such a blessed heart filling evening.  Until we can make it over to their end....we will be praying!
Weekly library time made possible by this cute little now being able to act more age appropriate (huge praise to God on that one!).
One hot evening we went for ice cream, cashing in the earned summer reading certificates!
The girls couldn't be more thrilled.
Ezra, though, couldn't control himself and just wanted to run in the street and would scream in protest in attempts to distract he and I waited in the car. 
Our front deck has been in need of a painting for a year...yes a year!  So one weekend I was determined to get done (even if it took us the rest of the week to finish).
I provided some distractions for the kids....that lasted a little while at least.
Then later that night we had fun meeting new friends!
Any guesses in what's for dinner?
The girls were a fan!  (Not so much daddy)
  Well this was the first year I attempted getting ready for Cow appreciation day on my own.
 I looked a hot mess driving and was a mixed between tears and laughter in attempting to get all the pieces stayed on (seriously next year just making big t-shirts).
But we did make it in. 
To join with the cousins (and other million kids who were there on a field trip). 
 I chose great opp for taking pictures....after the hungry kids have good in front of them! 
 And I sometimes don't have any idea which way to lean. 
Shared ice cream in the parking lot full of sun!
 We didn't want to leave daddy we went back for dinner (or to a different one)!
Cow in headlights look!
Love my little calves!
These too are so adorable, always loving and giving each other big hugs!
We had the duty of picking and watering the grands veggies while they were out of town.
It is fun getting to show the children the process.
Although Ez is not really clear on only picking the red ones yet!
When there are hard weekends full of girls and's nice to have a fancy Beach made drink complete with peaches that we had gotten from the farmer's market that day and relax while they are asleep.
When your sister helps feed you...things can end up pretty rough!
 I had a special date with Zoe to Art Smart Academy for their Christmas in July event!
 We both had a blast and it was a treasured time together!
I mean, so much cuteness on one bench!  (I mean really, how did Ez get so big!)
The last zoo night did not disappoint!
The giraffes have become my favorite!  I just love their tongues!
I really encouraged/made Zoe feed one!
Swim dancing.
Beautiful weather and less crowds, score!
Play dates are fun....check out all that blond!
Zoe loves her aunts!
It is funny to me how the girls are fascinated with bugs, which there are no shortage of around here!
For father's day this year we did something really different (for us)....certificates for a bonding experience!
We were finally all able to get together to go tubing down the river.  A completely fun, funny, long bonding experience!  I really hated that I was not able to have a camera, though, to capture all the moments that made me giggle!
We worked up an appetite and treated dad to the best pizza in town!  #Mellowmushroom
It was truly a day we will never forget!
When you go to your cousin's house for coloring and homemade chocolate granola, you may just throw a fit when it is time to leave!
Yummy Goods!
We topped off the month with fulfilling a long anticipated wish of Zoe's to get her ears pierced!
It was hard not to go into "Protective mommy mode" when one of the guns didn't work right when going in her ears and her crocodile tears were a flowing!
But we made it out alright and my little princess is even more adorable (beside her blue teeth from the lollipop they gave her)! 

Now to get her siblings not to mess with them!