Unfortunately this month held more of the same as last month....sickness. Still recovering from EBV flare ups, fighting a virus and then the flu (I wrote about how much I hated my body here). It made for some pretty sad days (and the shortest monthly review blog ever). However, there were a few days in the beginning of the month that we were able to do a bit!
Capital City Chiropractic our beloved wellness center for the past (almost) seven years held an ambassador's dinner. They have such big hearts, minds and plans to change our city for the good! It was exciting to be in a room full of people (and many friends) who feel the same way and want to give back to such a worthy cause! Ask me about it and I would love to share! This was the catalyst that started me on my journey towards true wellness many years ago, and I don't know where I would be without them!
Oh, and the dinner was amazing!
Also, burrrrr, most of this month has been sooo cold! We do what we can to stay warm around here, including hoodies, caps and heat wraps!
We were even able to get together with some friends! When we were all feeling well we knew we should take advantage of it (and in hindsight I'm so glad we did). Enjoyed our time so much that this was the only picture I managed to take!
Also, all the cold really encouraged us (and by us I mean Beach and the kids asking until he did) to build our first fire of the season. Shiloh loved it so much she cried having to go to bed that night and leave it!
We broke out the game we gave Addy for Christmas....We all had a great time playing it and made many movies (and this one picture). She ended up liking it, despite crying when we first gave it to her.
The girls have been wanting to try gymnastics again and the day finally came! Ezra just could not understand, though, why he could not join them! Unfortunately with their health, this was the only one they could go to this month, but they are excitedly looking forward to the next time!
The Kindergartens had a precious performance at the PTA meeting this month. Shiloh (top left) was not to into it, but did manage to go and participate!
Well all that is left is much snuggling under the covers or coach. When sick they all want even more loving!
Little Ms. Shiloh loves to twirl twirl her hair. Something she picked up from her cousin.
Well all this time in bed with little energy for much but these filters brought a smile to her face, along with a little life!
Poor Zoe seemed to get hit the hardest with the flu.
She still likes to snuggle. Thankfully Beach has a great immune system so he managed to stay healthy, despite still loving on us all.
I managed to escape the littlest for a brief outing (thank you Beach). My hair was long overdue to getting done, so I was thankful to be able to make it to the appointment. It was also an emotional break to be able to get out of the house (even if it didn't last long)!
Well this certainly is not what I was hoping for this month, quite the opposite. I have been trying to count my thanks, like not having to BE at a job and scramble due to sickness (the way I had to for years) and that I had the grace just to be able to rest in God's grace! Now that we have caught all the major things that are going around, can we please have a sick break? Please?