Monday, December 31, 2018

Month 12

December has to be one of my favorite months, as it is so full of tradition and fun family activities.  My health flared up for most of the month leading up to Christmas, but I did rest up for some fun activities!  One that I was thankful to attend was an event that we hosted at the roaster.

Magnolia Thyme came and gave this amazing succulent planter event.  It was extra special that my mom came as well!  What a precious gift I know how to give to a special friend!
I always try to take advantage of any warm days we may happen to get with outside play after school
Bonus when their play includes helping out with yard work!  (Totally their idea and it may not have lasted long but I will take what I can get!)
There were daily naps.  This sweet little boy of mine often holds hand with me when we sleep.
When I'm able to do "home school" with Ezra, he still greatly enjoys it and his fine motor skills have really improved a lot over these few short months.
One particular night when Beach was working and my body completely tanked, the kids really stepped it up!  They cleaned  the kitchen and when I was done with my rest, I found that they had made a tray with all the comfort things that they could find.  Which wasn't to exciting, like water, tissues and vitamins but it was oh so sweet!
Their "reward", that they couldn't be happier about, was getting to wrap some of the presents that we had.
We slowly put up the decorations, adding touches here and there.  My little artist assistant.
A church just up the road works so hard in putting on a drive through nativity each year.
We get comfy in our PJs and hop in the van. The line is always long so I read our Christmas Advent book while we wait. 
They do an astounding job and I think I get as excited as the kids.
I just wish we could take even more time to explore it all. 
I love that our library provides a gingerbread house decorating event.
All the things included and the mess is not at my house.
Ez was not feeling well so dad stayed home with him.  We were fortunate to have had some friends at our table, though.
What half my pictures typically look like....Shiloh squeezing to hard and Zoe's response.
Both the girls really enjoyed the event.  Momma missed daddy's help as building the houses, and getting them to stay, is not my strong suit.
I was able to bring home a kit for the boys to do though!
Sweet little sick son was so glad he didn't get completely left out.
One quiet night we enjoyed having the Prentiss' over for some adult time!
Little earlier present from my sweet Aunt Laurie!
Zoe loves Lauren and William's new dog.  She is so happy when she comes to visit at my parent's house.
Maximized Living Christmas party and the kids begged to go.

To be honest I really enjoy them as well, but eating anywhere but my house is a huge challenge.  My parents ended up coming, too!
The kids were ecstatic to have fun things that they rarely get, like healthy "soda" and other treats.
Funny faces...
and photo bombers.
Shiloh got some sweet Poppy loving!
We hit up the library again for their Christmas craft event.
They had a variety of activities.  I was able to take in how thankful I was that they are getting older that they could do things independently in different areas.
We had a little time to kill before the girls eye appointment, so squeezed in fun at the park.
The eye appointments went well, although both girls needed to change their lenses.
Little man getting some couch napping.
Zoe went to work with daddy one Sunday afternoon.
Loveland Staff Christmas party!
Whenever I visit the girls' school, and I am able, I try to not come empty handed.
On such an incredibly hard day, this was a little light in getting to help in Shiloh's classroom for their holiday party.
They were in stations and it was so fun interacting with all her classmates.
Random picture of girls in PJs (from a celebration at school that day) with a blow-up while running an errand.
It was a fun evening at the Pifer house celebrating Justin's graduation from the police academy.  Megan humored me in taking a picture in front of her huge tree for memory sake!
Grammy and Poppy hosted the kids one morning to make cookies....
and then even stayed for lunch!
Zoe spent quite some time organizing a "winter party" in her room...
Complete with a dance party using her new disco ball.
It was pretty fun (until Ez got a little injured on the trampoline...but he turned up OK).
Whew, all those little moments completed with Warm up Christmas with my family, Christmas Day, the in-laws visiting and New Years Eve made for a very full December!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Speedy Loveland Christmas

This particular visit with the amazing Loveland grands was shorter than usual, as they had other traveling that they were doing.  However, we made sure to pack in a lot of joy in our 3.5 days together.
The night they arrived the presents came out.  Shiloh was first in gifting Donna with a Christmas tile that she made.
There were other fun clothes and a hat for me.
Donna can get pretty creative in her wrapping and these dresses were extra cute!
Ezra couldn't be more happy about his present!
Grandma gave three ornaments with snowmen that were bakers, as they love to bake with her so much!
A special box for each of the girls with fresh underwear and other goodies!
Ezra got adorable blue flannel pajamas...
with a matching robe (which he will no doubt get a lot of good use out of it)!
Big smiles all around.
They were given a special Christmas book that Grandma explained that she was going to read to them each day.
Loveland out the Mr. Loveland of them all.
Captivated by their new book!
The next morning the girls dug into some of the Christmas crafts and Ez enjoyed his Legos.  Donna and I attempted to help them out with it all.  Easier said than done.
Then while Beach took out his mother, Glen took us all to Chick-fil-A.
Which of course was a big hit!  (Ezra really loved his Christmas hat that was in his stocking and wore if often on the days after Christmas.)
Topped off with ice cream and playing in the play area.
Ezra missed his normal nap time and, while I was out shopping with Donna that early evening, I got a text with this picture.  
They seemed to be knocked out for hours and later moved into more of a comfortable position.
The next day, while the men were working, we headed downtown.  After a stop at the kiosk, where the kids were thrilled they got a drink too, we enjoyed the warmer weather!
The rain held off so we could explore River Front Park.
We had not been there since they added in the exercise equipment and had fun playing on all the pieces (this one was my favorite).
Ezra still got in some grandpa time that afternoon, though!
That night we had our traditional Mexican dinner.  Shiloh always hamming it up if she has an audience...
And Zoe found a new tortilla hat.
Tradition continues in this photo spot.  It also seems to be tradition that at least one child has some kind of crazy face (usually the same child).
My parents were able to join us this time as well.  So we took a group picture of us all!
The next morning, a particularly gorgeous Saturday, we headed downtown to check out the Soda City Market.
Crazy hair don't care!
The kids each got a print out at the Richland Short Story dispenser, which they were thrilled about!
Honestly the kids didn't love going to the market, so I surprised them and we stopped at a park downtown on the way home to get a few zip-lines in!
Grandma and I got in on the action a couple of times as well!
Even though it was a shorter trip, they still got their chocolate chip cookie making in!
Since we had yet to see the lights at the zoo, we decided to check that out as well.
While not quite as special as going before Christmas we still enjoyed it!
The soap "snow" was a favorite and the littles were delighted each time they found an area that was spraying.
Shiloh missed the photo opt before, so we chased down the reindeer for her to have a picture, too.  Turned out pretty awkward but it made her smile all the same.
Daddy captured these beauties.
We joked on how it didn't matter that they were missed taking a shower that night, as they were covered in soap.
Since there was no Santa, a giant blown up snowman, with a person inside, would do.
Whew!  I say we made the most of our time and created many more memories for the future!