Wednesday, June 30, 2021

June - Bring Back the Fun

Man it sure was great to have some fun things return back to take the kids, too, again!  I surprised the kids after school one day, and we grabbed a free donut for National Donut Day and headed to the park.
School got out later than usual this year, so some of the summer activities started before it ended.  The library has so many awesome programs, and they kicked it off with a play in the park, complete with popcorn.
The Naked Mole Rats rendition was a little odd, but fun nonetheless.
The littles ended up getting a closer look.
Afterwards, we stayed quite awhile with the games they had set up.
I just kept thinking what a blessing it was to be out in the community again with others!
We had a bubble party in the kitchen that night with their new prizes.
There was a lot of dancing and giggles!
Roadwork right outside our house provided some great entertainment.
End of school year is always so emotional for me, and I need lots of snuggles with my awesome gang, and they are always happy to do so!
A gorgeous afternoon called for a frappe break at the park!
We found mold in many places in our house (more on that to come), so we needed to move out for the summer.  There was a huge undertaking of recommendation, including vacuuming and wipe down everything.
And bags and bags of laundry, as everything had to be washed three times.
We tried to make light of it at times, but to be honest most of the time I was fighting back tears.
All the floors and some walls were taken out.
My parents were gracious enough to let us stay with them.  The kids were excited to find a turtle had wondered on the driveway.
My dad ended up letting him loose in the yard and he took a beeline to get into the water.  I was shocked at how fast he moved and never realized their true speed.
Shiloh enjoyed other nature finds...
Bible reading in the morning and I often have a side kick.
Summer dollar moves are back!!!  We enjoyed partaking and Poppy went with us this week.
My kids love to bring all the things, including pillows and blankets.
Nothing like a good nap for some ;-)
We had an aventours outing with some freinds.
We attempted to find the many playgrounds around, which turned out to be difficult.  We didn't mind, though, as it was great just to be together!
What a joy to make it to summer and be with others again!

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Farm Tour is Back

My mom and I have greatly enjoyed the farm tours around our state in the past.  We were excited that they decided to bring them back this year!  (Sweaty picture complements of SC summer heat.)
The kids favorite stop had to be Clinton Sease Farm with their many things to do and experience!
The unique playground reminds me of how they all had their kindergarten field trip here.
I love how the farm used all their different materials to create all the action.

Wagon ride tour with Mr. Sease himself.
Getting to meet some of the animals.
After a couple of hours, we headed to two more places around.
Our final stop was the Lexington Museum, where we got to check out some features that we had never seen before, and the kids participated in a scavenger hunt.
Pigeon house.
Such a fun day and so glad that mom is feeling well enough to join us!
The next day we had a quick stop to check out a new farm with Beach, and examined some antique farming items.
A large part of me craves all that can be found on a farm and the simplicity of life. We loved our experience and look forward to going again next year!

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Ezra - 1st

First grade brought along new growth for Ezra.  He was excited to be in his cousin's class with Mrs. Bishop!
They started out in person only a couple of days a week, with extra precautions of masks and shields.
While not my favorite look ever, Ezra was a good sport about it.
Mrs. Bishop is an amazing teacher, who posted many class pictures on IG.
In line in front of his cousin!
His adorable school picture!
A socially distanced class picture!
A family portrait!
Love when they can get outside for some learning as well....studding a tree.
Busy Bee craft!
Elephant and Piggy puppets.
Ezra got very into creating detailed pictures, including one he added to for this scenery.
His letter to Mrs. Bishop.....his favorite thing today, a firetruck and fire station.
In a wild election year...the kids did get to learn about the voting process.
Even making their own voter registration card.
The kids weren't allowed on the playground this year (crazy I know), but they still got outdoor play!
Ezra's favorite things to draw always involve buildings and cars.
Sweet little paper plate award from school!
The kids learned about picking up litter and a parent made some signs for them.
We were able to put up a sign at work (which Ezra was very proud of)!
"Don't let the pigeon get money"
"Thank you Garbage man.  Thank you for picking up the trash. From, Ezra"
They did a food drive for Sharing God's Love, and we went on Saturday to help deliver the items.
There were many many books made, or at least started....
"All about space"
"My space inquiry log"
"Space has no air."
Painting his rocket.
Joy is smiles.
"Joy is family when we read."
Could this be in more adorable!
"2021 Goals: 1. Write a book  2. Play with my truck  3. Smile more  4. Read a book  5. Hug more"
Valentines Day!
"Dear President Biden.  Thank you for being my president.  Please be nice to the people."
"I would give the $100 to the poor people."
"Dear green.  You are my favorite color. So please don't quit.  Then you can draw trees and bushes.  You are my favoirte color.  Love, Ezra"
This was funny that I had to share.  Ezra saw this old picture of himself as a newborn when his aunt was holding him and wanted to recreate it.
"As a reader, I can read in the living room.  I write so I can read and feel happy.  To me, math is learning and it helps me know things."
Beach and I made a video for career day that the school could see.
I spy my little firefighter.
"Who was Ezra Loveland a boy who faced his fears no matter WHAT!"
Parents weren't allowed to help with field day this year, but they still had a great time.

"The day I went to..."
"I went to McDonalds"
"I ordered"
"Dear mom, you are the beautifulist mom EVER!" (I mean he is the best son ever!)
Group book project.
More and more books!

"My family owns a coffee shop."

"Dear Mom and Dad, As a reader, I like to read books about cars, trucks, dog man.  As a writer I like to write about cars.  As a mathematician, I can think and take my time to solve problems.  Love, Ezra."
A sweet poem from his teacher...I would say that is spot on!
So proud of my handsome dude that brings so much joy to all!