When you have a daughter who is obsessed with all things holidays, decorating, and giving, you hear about it often. By often I mean daily, starting in the end of August, about when the fall festivals were to begin. The closer we got the more times a day I would hear about it.
With everything that had gone on with Beach's health the past couple of months, there was little time to spend with theses littles. So when it was actually time for all things fall, like painting pumpkins at the library, I wanted to oblige for these sweet smiles.
The festivities seemed to begin a couple of weeks before Halloween, if you were willing to drive a little bit.
The kids seemed to enjoy it all, including little games in the parking lot.
Shiloh insisted that I research fully the festivals that exist in our area, and to put them all on the calendar.
While they may have never made it on the actual calendar we ended up going to a crazy amount, including ones that we would happen to pop in while driving along the way to somewhere. Their grandparents were good sports and brought them to a couple as well. Don't judge but I think there were around 17 attended! 😳😅😬
Zoe made her own costume this year, a pineapple!
Still enjoying the face painting.
We went on several hayrides, this was a longer one through the woods.
Shiloh, always, greatly enjoys the animals.
This church has an event called Treat-and-tell that did an amazing job in creating different rooms for the kids to hear different Bible stories.
The rooms were elaborately decorated and included going in an ark full of live animals, and then "inside a belly of a whale to hear about Jonah."
And seeing Jesus on the cross, put in the tomb, and rising again.
This church had so many volunteers and work that went in to it the four nights that they do it!
It included dinner...
Train rides with my Black Panther.
Thus, began our full weekend of festivals, including really busy ones where my anxiety rose pretty high.
To small ones...
with late night hay rides.
We had the grands join us for the traditional walk around the trail.
One that had so much fun energy and crowds!
Another we happen to drive by and join in the fun!
Appreciating such work and talent that went into so many trunk or treats!
Bad blurry pictures of more hayride fun.
Beach came to just one short one with us that was near the house, but forgot to take a picture.
Spotty weather for outdoor fun, but the littles didn't seem to mind.
It is not too often you see a hotdog eating a hotdog during a cake walk.
Have umbrella and hoodies, with participate in the rain. Really I just adored this tree that I wanted a picture.
My parent's church moved their fun indoors.
And the kids bounced for quite sometime, until it was closing time!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The big day finally came and Shiloh was very excited to bring candy to go door to door handing some out to the teachers (her own tradition).
Love our employees and how several of them dressed up as our kitchen manager!Dinner of Boo-ritoes and daddy was able to join us!
Found something that he could try and eat and we were thankful to have him with us!
He was even able to go trick-or-treating with us for a bit.
We do enjoy getting a chance to linger and chat with our neighbors. There are not many other kids around, and sometimes we are the only visitors for others, but for us getting to spend some time with them is the goal.
And that's an end to all the festival fun! It was treat that my body was actually well enough to be able to oblige all their fun, as it was really struggling the days leading up to it and after. Love being able to make them smile!