Friday, October 31, 2014

Glimpes of October

After the rounds of sickness seem to be done with our house....I am excited to return to getting in regular exercise.  This is powered by Loveland Coffee, YouTube videos and content children.
The kids love going to the's a special time when Zoe gets to go now too (as she is now almost always in school).  She usually gets some extra love from daddy along with her "coffee".
Some nights just call for the "easy route" in the form of green smoothies for dinner and popcorn and a movie.  Partly because of all the craziness! 
One of the best parts of colder weather = footie PJs.
I love getting the girls in on the pumpkin carving project.
And I love that they don't mind the messiness of it all anymore.
Beach worked hard and created a pumpkin that he knew they would love!
Zoe got chosen for an award at her school called the "Heart Act to Follow".
I wasn't sure how the littles would do going to the ceremony with me.
But the fact that my girls had some snacks that they never usually get helped!
Each child got their award and they explained why they were honored. 
Zoe earned hers for showing perseverance.  She wanted to make sure that she got done writing all of her letters, even when it meant sacrificing outdoor playground time.
This is a picture of all the kids from school that were honored. It is great that they focus on growing such positive qualities among the students!
Their "WOW" faces!
Zoe loves her teacher and wanted to show her the certificate!
Ezra has an affect on the ladies.  Enjoyed getting to meet another extended cousin!
Date nights are rare at this time in our lives....but I had found this groupon months ago (and had been on a waiting list) for throwing pottery.
 It was a nice time together for a mid-week date and we each got to create three pots! 
There is something so therapeutic about the feeling and process of the clay, almost a divine connection to the Creator!
Thankful that this man loves creating art as much as I do!
The only little amongst our family with a fall birthday!  Lydia turns one!  Special little girl!
The 2s enjoyed the cupcakes for sure! 
Poppy had the magic touch with rocking Ezra to sleep under the outdoor lights for a great way to end that night!
Sometimes a girl just needs to climb a tree.
Or ride a tractor.
It was a month of blessing others and receiving to pass around the love!

More publicly accepted times of dressing up!

So I have written a previous blog about how my feelings regarding Halloween have changed since having children of my can check out here if you missed it, The black and whites of Halloween.  
 We didn't do a whole lot - and I actually would have liked to have done even more but life is pretty full right now; we enjoyed what we did do. 
Including going to a fall festival that they had right near our neighborhood. 
What you don't recognize Elsa?

We are really low key with the in they are wearing their dress up clothes that they pretty much wear everyday anyway.
Nothing says fun like a big face plant (glad we are under chiropractic care!)

Getting family pictures can be really stressful.

But we enjoyed our time going to greet and meet neighbors!
And the best treat was a surprise visit from uncle Donald on the way home!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

7 months in the books!

My little rolly polly.  By now I would hope that Ezra would be sitting up, but his core does not seem to be allowing that and timber he goes!  Part of that reason is because I think he loves to be on his tummy, as he can get around a lot more. 
Not always the direct route, Ezra is getting up on his knees now and pushing himself forward.  I think we will be in official crawl mode soon!
Ezra has found other things to stick in his mouth now, but it is still a sign that he is tired when we see him sucking his thumb.
In that he needs assistance to sit, he loves his bumbo and being a part of the action.
I couldn't believe it in putting him in the high chair for the first time!  How can this be happening so soon. My little man is not so little, as everyone likes to keep reminding me.  
Being third kid and all, we finally got around to your first food.  I have done research and have found that it is better to wait till 6 months anyway.  We have come along way since the grains that we first fed to your oldest sister (those are actually horrible on babies digestion) and have learned to how to soft boil some eggs just for this cute face!  It feels good knowing I'm giving him the best for his body and wish more people knew about this!
Although Ezra did tried to sneak some apples in :-) when we went picking!
My special loved boy, treasured more than he will ever know!