Friday, November 7, 2014

Surprise! And shock! (In a good way)

We don't get to see Beach's brothers often, as in years go by before another met up.  This is hard, but this is the case due to the many many miles between us.  Beach's little brother, Donald, teaches English in South Korea, so that visit is out of the question.  

So you can imagine the shock when we were trick-or-treating and came up to our house to see a car pulling into our driveway.  Then there was a 6'7" shadow figure walking toward us in the shadows.  Shock.  Pure shock.  Donald had been in the country for over a month and kept it a secret in order to surprise us!
He had not met the 2 littles before and Zoe just once, when she was a babe, so it was nice for everybody to feel the Donald love. 
I'm not sure if Donald had any real idea what visiting a house full of three high maintenance children was really like, but he was a good sport.  He taught the art of cushion fort making. 
Brotherly technology.
Beach misses his family and it sure was good to reconnect.
All dinners should include wine and Donald.
It worked out that I had taken the day off of work when Zoe was out of school for election day, so a zoo trip was in order.
It was fun that we, also, saw many friends there.
The final night Donald was an extra good sport and received decorations from the girls.
Complete with beard tweezing from Zoe.
We were thankful for such a great surprise and all the more that we will get to see him for Christmas before he heads back overseas!

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