Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Marching Along

March was a mashup of all short of fun and crazy.  Shiloh hurt her ankle on her birthday, but we waited until the next day to take take her in, as she seemed to be ok enough.  It turns out it was, indeed, just a sprain. 
Fun mail!!! 
Giftings from a relative that was for her and her siblings for the past few holiday ;-)
Zoe has been able to practice being a "mother's helper" with some of our best friends.  The cutest little 2-year-old just loves her!
While not the best way to get to see her crazy hair, Zoe was proud of her 3 ponytails for crazy hair day at school during spirit week.
For Dr. Seuss Day, Zoe dressed up with one of her friends as Thing 1. 
The women's retreat at our church was back on this year, and I got to go with one of my sisters and mother (and some friends).  Always a good idea to start with a cup of Loveland on a road trip!
While at the beach this year and being mid-March, there is a chance for some decent weather.  However, that was not the case and it was quite cold and windy.  I thankful brought a heavy coat, and while felt silly walking on the beach with such and fur lined boots, it was the only way I could make it happen.
We had an amazing study/worship times together and, thankfully, a lot of rest, as well as some times to eat out.
Since I don't seem to get enough pictures with my mom, I tried to be better with such.
Mexican dinner on Saturday night!
In that my kids love all the holidays, they dressed themselves for St. Patricks Day.
Sharing this photo series, as it is a another glimpse of what attempting to take pictures looks like with my littles.
Finally made it!
And one with the ones that didn't mind a picture.
At the weekly eye therapy, this time with the doctor checkup.  Shiloh is moving right along and improving.
Zoe was excited to start soccer this year (she hasn't played since she was about 6).
For their first game, we were encouraged to make signs.  Shiloh was all about it!  Go Fireflies!
They announced the teams and they got to run out!
Zoe totally loved it and we enjoyed watching her play!
We were so pumped to see that a church was having a spring festival.
There were many different stations and it was a joy to be out having fun together again.
They topped it off with some cotton candy, Zoe's favorite.
Happy Grins!
Rest time with Daddy.
Our first music night at the cafe was a hit!
Been a long time coming but glad to finally get a date with this hottie!
Double the fun when we got to go on an egg hunt! Only the girls wanted a picture with Batman and batgirl.
Fun petting station.
Cousins were there to add to the excitement!
I was on older kid duty and they were ready to roll...
So many eggs!!!
Since last years event was canceled, I wondered if they had twice the amount of eggs, as everyone racked up!
Unloading all the eggs!
Capped the month off by going to a ribbon cutting ceremony for a special friend!
She is rocking the massage world (and many other worlds)!
Extra thankful that we get to return to some of our beloved activities, as the world seems to slowly be opening again.  It seems extra special when you know what life is like without such!

Monday, March 22, 2021

Ezra's 7th Birthday

My best little boy turned seven this year.  So thankful that he is as sweet as ever.  His breakfast of choice on this school day was a cream cheese bagel with orange juice.
Going with the theme this year of pulling the littles out of school for a birthday lunch date, he chose McDonalds.  He has only been a couple of times in his life, yet there is something that drew him to such. While this would not be okay under normal circumstances ;-) the birthday child does get such ultimate choice privileges.  We headed to the park for a picnic.  Blowing kisses to momma picture...
and smile!
We enjoyed walking around and checking out all the sweet little nature things we could spy.
It reminded me of old times, when it was just the two of us, and we would get to have such fun from time to time.
Later in the afternoon, the girls wanted Ezra to open their gifts from them.
Shiloh reading and explaining her card...
Ezra has been talking about a ukulele since seeing one in the music store months prior.  Shiloh remembered just then, and went and wrapped up her own (in a blanket - she is a fast thinker and improviser), and presented it to him, bringing on a large smile.
Zoe had soccer practice that night and he enjoyed the beautiful weather and running with his sister.
Then dinner of choice....hotdogs and french fries.
Finally, presents from mom and dad and Michigan grandparents.
Shiloh is always as close as she can get in the mix and "assisting" in any way that she can.
On the Saturday around your birthday, you always get to choose a daddy made breakfast.  This time Ezra's included a latte.
Gotta start them with good taste early.
We, also, celebrated over the weekend with my extended family....
Lydia shared how she made a banner for Ezra with different cards.
Ezra is obsessed with the cards my artist sister, Lauren, draws him that includes a beloved vehicle.  This year did not disappoint with a fun fire truck!
I am so thankful for this precious gift as a (mostly) easy going child, full of giggles and hugs and a momma's boy to the core. Ezra loves his family fiercely and continues to be all things "boy".  While I will always wish for a time machine to freeze where we are at, or go back and live it all again, I am so amazed at the young man he is growing into!