Thursday, August 19, 2021

New School Year

It's been awhile since we started with a "regular" school year. I would say beginning middle school can be a challenge but Zoe was up for it!  It was nice that we got to have a tour of the building before hand.  It was surreal, as both Beach and I were here in 7th grade!
Zoe was glad to see one of her good friends!
I almost cried happy tears in being able to go to Hive Homecoming back at the elementary school we love so much. Our 7th year here and so thankful to be back "home".
Ezra got Mrs. Parker, who was Shiloh's teacher she loved a couple of years ago.
The high school cheerleaders were even back again to add to the excitement.
I'm not sure how much they loved it but I did!
This year it is 6th, 4th, and 2nd for our crew.
The 2 Elementary kiddos...
and my Middle Schooler!
They are ready to rock it!
We dropped off the littlest of littles first!
While we could not go into the classrooms, I was at peace knowing they were in good hands!
No pictures from the middle school drop off for some reason, but grabbed a drink for me before heading back to take a nap for this worn out emotional momma!
Cheers to a new school year!

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Little Fun We Found In-Between in August

August was such a crazy month for us.  We had a fantastic time at the beach the first week, work and getting ready for school to start the next week, and then COVID hit with a vengeance to take us out the rest of the month and into the next.  We did have a little bit of fun, though in our in-between week.
Since we were still staying at my parents, we visited the library close to her and enjoyed some books and photos.
Always vehicles with this kid!
I spy a little Shiloh reader.
Summer reading medals for all!
One last dollar movie, with the cousins and Grammy this round.
We decided to do a pool party for the girls in Zoe's class last year before they entered middle school.
They had such a fun night and I loved catching up with all the mommas!
So much work to do at our house.  Ezra wanted to help out one day and I showed him how to paint.
The last day of summer and I wanted to make sure we did a few fun things! (Looking straight into the sun.)
They got to spend some time with their cousins, including at the library.
Then we headed to HiWire.
Which the kids always love!
Fun was had, then we got ready for school to start the next day, and COVID hit hard!

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Litchfield Beach Trip (Part 3)

The weather has been a bit spotty during our week at the beach (part 1, part 2).  Another very overcast day with some showers but we still had some outdoor play.
It's hard to believe, but I am still meeting members of Beach's family.  In that we were nearby, we had a great visit with Beachs mom's cousin and wife.
I would say that there is some resemblance.
The kids had a great time as well.
They swam in their saltwater pool and we relaxed pool side.
Cook out time with popsicles for dessert.
It was a gorgeous sunset on our drive back to "our house" and we were glad to catch the tail end of it when we got there.
So thankful for this man of mine.
And these amazing parents, who were also enjoying God's show.
Many games were played this week.  The kids are old enough now to do some on their own, but not without the occasional argument.
If I can eat outside, that is always my preference.  Ezra is up for joining me.
In discovering a ramp on the island to get to the beach, my mom and I attempted to take the bikes out.
It was a great ride to the end of the island (when we were going with the wind).
However, the return trip was a little more challenging, especially considering the storm clouds that seemed to be looming.
The rest of the family was at the beach.  So Zoe took over mom's bike when we got to them.
It is so fun that she is old enough for such adventures now.
And we raced the storm clouds back to the house!
The weather the rest of the day was not so great, but a break in the storms and I was determined to get some beach time in.  I limped my way there, had a brief time to sit before I hurried back home in the rain.  I'm sure it was a sight.
My indecisiveness seemed to be at war with me this week (the hurt ankle and unpredictable weather was no help in making plans).  However, Beach and I decided on a place to dinner and it was great time to unwind with my number one.
A dress up picture...
but then I was off to get changed.  The weather was clear and I wanted one more adventure on the water.
We took the kayaks out again to enjoy the sunset.
Zoe had a turn trying it out solo.
We encouraged mom to do so as well, and Danielle accompanied her.
In getting back we found a sleepy house.
Last day and we were able to get the house clean in time for some photos of the littles on the beach.  Aaron worked his magic again to capture their fun!
Love this little crew!
After heading out, we always look for a little last adventure for the way home, and ended up back at Georgetown for a bit.
Shiloh made a friend.
The boat museum was not only free, but had a treasure hunt for the littles.
They had a boardwalk along the water...
Where we spied some little gators.
It ended up in a beautiful green space/house.
So pretty, I insisted on some more pictures for my parents before we said our goodbyes.
We had our picnic lunch at a near by park, but I wasn't expecting it to be quite so messy.
Then one last stop for ice cream before heading home.
This was a rare treat, which made it extra special.
Another mess of a time...
And smiles and naps to fill our way home!
Love my family so much and, despite my internal and ankle struggles this week, thankful for our time to get away together.