Saturday, July 31, 2021

July's Fun

When July hits it's a reminder that it is blueberry season, and we love to pick our own! (By "we" I mean me and my kids come along.)
My parents went with us, which always makes it more enjoyable and productive.
Some of us enjoy it more than others.
Being that it is July in SC, and we never are able to make it super early, it is always hot.  So the kids expire more quickly, and taking a picture at the end is more of a challenge.
I managed to get a decent one out of the ton that I took.  I, also, attempted one with my littles and got a variety of faces.
The best one...
Zoe wanted to take a picture of me with my parents.  So we enjoyed repeating the process for her of what it is like for us to attempt a picture.
But we can behave ourselves, too.
When the cousins are playing together and you come in to see this!
We enjoyed more dollar moves!
But learned to get tickets sooner so we won't have to repeat the front row experience.
This time with cousins and friend.
Enjoyable mornings outside before it gets to hot.
Someone didn't want his picture taken.
Little buddy assistant in the back.
Beach's parents moved down this month!  They quickly got settled in their own apartment (until they find a house), and had us over for breakfast.
Kids enjoyed their picnic style feast.
And we took them to the movies that week, too!
Came "home" from work to find this on the bedroom door.
They were reenacting frozen and created a winter wonderland.  Dressing the little brother up, bless his heart. 
There is endless work to do at the renovations at our house and nowhere to really sit.  However, when my body gave out on me and just had to sleep one day while working, I moved some things around and climbed to get to the couch, using my clothes as a pillow.
Some other pictures of renovations days...
Beach happy our window in the shower is put in!
Most of the house got painted.  I had been debating a long time on if I wanted to paint our stone fireplace, but now it was an easy decision. Ezra was with me this day and wanted to help as well.  
I was so thankful to have some sister help!
So much more fun to work with others!
Beach had to get the last bit on the top for us.
Even through all the overwhelm there are smiles at times, especially when knocking out a goal.
Another day, the littles help paint in our garage.  Clothes turned inside out to help prevent mess on themselves.
One morning I woke up to Ezra not feeling well and in the bathroom.  Luckily it was a quick bug, and Shiloh was kind in wanting to read him a book.
Trivia night at the cafe and it was entertaining with a "Friends" theme.
Our guests came out dressed up and it was a blast for all!
Went for a little jog near my parents property while we were staying there.  Ezra wanted to go as well and showed me the way.
Tye dye party and celebration of a friend!
Shiloh made me my own crown and insisted that I wear it.
The summer birthday for Aaron!  Addy did not seem to like so many candles close to her.
The kids put on a runway show for us complete with costumes. 
You never know what your going to get...
but they have a good time together.
Thankful for this crazy crew and the fun we could squeeze in even in all the insanity of our current life.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Girls First Camp

 One really surprising thing that happened this summer was the girls went off to camp for the weekend.  This was a spontaneous event that happened after a friend's phone call.  She explained that she wanted to take some kids to camp the following weekend.  I completely trust her and felt a peace about it, so off they went.  This is pretty uncharacteristic of my over protective spirit. Knowing that they had each other to look out for made it easier on this momma's heart.
We prayed over them before they left. In all honesty I wish I had the energy and margine to go with them, but was so thankful for the Hewitts that did!
In truth, I was more nervous in seeing how many kids were there with only having a couple of leaders.  But it was too late to back out now and trusted that they would be taken care of!
Kids fav....screaming picture.
I was so thankful to be sent some pictures throughout the weekend....girls van!
Water day!
The girls made some new friends.
No surprise that Shiloh ended up on stage with a reenactment.
Lunch stop on the way home.
The girls came home tired yet full of stories of the adventures they had had.  I was thankful for this experience for them and their safe return!