Friday, November 30, 2018


While November continued to hold its challenges, remembering the fun details along the way!
My little boy is such a great helper in the kitchen, always ready to do whatever I ask.
(I had to include this picture for grins of his cheesy smile.)
The girls' school held a fall festival fun raiser, which included some fun things like balloon animals!
One of the favorite activities (which we waited a supper long time for) was this jumping apparatus!
Photo both run with neighbor friends!
Many blow ups!
And a hayride or two!
It was such a beautiful day to enjoy it all!
And one event that had this momma a little nervous for her 4-year-old to join in on!  Luckily no injuries and a lot of laughter.
Now that Zoe is in 3rd grade, we have entered the new realm of letter grades.  At her school they have a quarterly program for those in the Honor Roll.  Zoe was excited to be included and sat nervously awaiting her turn!
They had the students walk across the stage to receive their little awards!
She was beyond thrilled and motivated to continue to keep up her hard work!
Shiloh had been wrapping "gifts" from around the house with whatever she could find for months.  Although intended for Christmas, she finally couldn't stand it anymore and had us open them.  Sweet giver of gifts!
The kids were supposed to be asleep when we heard something in the hallway one night.  It turned out to be a giggling shark.
Tales for Totes...and my little turkey didn't want a picture!
Saw this adorable piece outside of Zoe's classroom on the way out!
We still managed to have some library reading time here and there.
Reader's Theater with my middle...
at her school, which involved a funny Turkey scene.
Afterwords I got to be with Shiloh when she ate lunch.
Snagged a quick cousin pick as well!
It is always fun getting to meet some of the little's classmates!
Lastly, I got to take in some of her artwork....
"I am Grateful for you mommy because you give me hugs and kisses.  I grateful you mommy because you give me food and you play with me and you snuggle with me.  You are the best mom."
Heart Melted!
Zoe came home one day with a pink eye patch after learning about Blackbeard at school.
What followed was two hours of pirate play, finding weapons as they went along...
It was a great idea and something she will be sure to remember for awhile!
Shiloh had a fun birthday party of a good friend in her class...
Where she LOVED seeing all the horses.
Siblings were welcome, so Zoe and Ezra got in on the action as well.
Shiloh explained her homemade card to her friend...
She found some more horses to love on!
It was a fun party indeed!
We have an older guitar in the basement.  Whenever Shiloh is down there, she always gradates to it and ends up strumming along.  Perhaps more of such is in her future?
Zoe took these pictures of her and Ezra one morning...
she noted that they needed to be some of my favorites, as they were so good (so I had to include them).
Shiloh, my decorating queen, has been asking since summer to decorate for Christmas.  Finally her day came the weekend after Thanksgiving, and she couldn't be any happier!
Of course we all pitched in to help!
Zoe wanted to put on the star, but got quite the scare when she realized how high she was.
But smiled just the same for a picture!
November you have been real! Alright December, I think we are ready for ya!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Looking back with my classic college friends!

Time passes every so quickly.  It has been years since I have seen these sweet college friends of mine.  Yet my heart remembers oh so well. When Monica suggested that we get together, since we all still live in the same state (unlike many of our college pals), I was so thankful that she took the initiative.  I'm not always so great in being intentional in that manner.  
We spent hours together catching up, laughing and reminiscing as we checked out how much CIU had changed in the 20 years since we started there.  We were all in the same "family group" that first welcome week starting as wee freshmen.
Also, since old pictures are so fun, I had to include some.  Way before the age of digital and social media (thank goodness), I scrounged through our old photo albums.
It brought so many smiles to my face to remember these special time and special ladies!
There were quite a few but I just grabbed some from our first year together.
Attempting to take a selfie together took us forever and was beyond hilarious.  I kept taking them even during the awkward times, which made true genuine smiles and laughter.  (Also, when I laugh like that I'm pretty sure you can see every single one of my teeth!)
OK, so I recognize that these are not the most flattering of pictures, and hopefully they won't kill me for including them, but I love them so much because of what they represent!
Yeah, my selfie game was hurting but I tried!
The regular pictures turned out a little better!
There has been so much that has gone on in our lives over these long years that we needed to unpack together and support one another.  Man I love these ladies that the Lord placed in my life and just treasured our time!  May this be something that we are able to do more often, for life is just a vapor!