We invited my sisters (and their families) to our house for Thanksgiving Brunch. My littles, especially the middle, was beyond thrilled. She exclaimed the morning before that we better get busy, as there was a lot of work to do to get ready. Top on her list was creating decorations.
The next day the cousins were excited to see each other.
Waffles and OJ all around...cheers!
Beach (the waffle making king) even made some gluten free healthy waffles for me so I could join in. Topped with some berries and coconut butter and I was set!
I may have even tried a little champagne in my celery juice for my own form of mimosas. While not the same...it was actually better than expected!
Sweet aunt hugs.
The warm sum was beckoning for us to come after the parade and food were done, so while the boys played pool we went on a stroll.
They had to show off their "tree house" hide out.
Thankful to get to see my sisters so often.
Shiloh collected some flowers along the way (with some help), and Aunt D took a picture of her underneath the banner she made.
After the clean up and the company was gone, we set to work on making our cranberry relish and...
Thankful rolls (where each person's "thanks" gets baked into the roll. At dinner we all take turns guessing whose is whose).
I was taken aback when we made it to my parent's house and took in the amazing leaves.
The kiddos preparing to pray...
Sister's plate with some of the spread!
Zoe helped discover and read the thanks in the rolls.
After dinner entertainment consisted of Addy sharing many Thanksgiving type questions and jokes...
followed by a game that involved pantyhose and pumpkins on one's head to knock down water bottles.
Much laughter and craziness ensued...
until there were a couple of injuries.
This is the stud that managed to accidentally hit me in the face with his pumpkin, which brought forth a so much laughter and some tears.
Even the kids got in on the action (clearly Shiloh was excited as she couldn't even sit still in the chair in the background).
My heart so so full to have such a fun day, in which my body was kind to me, and surrounded by my favorites.
So much to be thankful for!
Great pics!! Love you!❤️