Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I want to getaway....far away from here

I sometimes feel like I'm going through the motions of just getting through the day (especially when I read blogs and see pictures of others that seem to be truly living).  So many mundane things to do, again: washing dishes, laundry, diapers, feeding, nursing, pumping, more cleaning, that it can feel so meaningless and pointless.  I KNOW that it is not and it is the biggest investment that one can make, raising children through nurturing souls, BUT sometimes it can FEEL so wearing on my soul.
I think when I'm in such a place my marriage takes a hit too.  With times being so stressful getting the business going, it can be hard to not think of Beach as my partner in getting all the checklist checked and done (which he is the best partner I could ask for!).  This task orientated girl can get skewed at what really matters, though.  Thankfully my relationship oriented man helps me bring it back, when I let him (which I need to do more of).   
So, we had a getaway.  Away from all the distractions of life, family, business, work, cleaning, etc. to focus on our marriage and enjoying "us" among the beauty of the world around.  How freeing to have a whole conversation without a little one crying or winning (and me getting frustrated at such), to just enjoy whatever the day put before us and our hearts roamed.  Off to Asheville we went.
I tired not to over plan, for Beach's sake, and just go with it (much not like myself).  Stopping at the roadside farmer's market. Yummy, local honey!
Then to a local brewery for a beer tour.
This gal had no idea such even existed!  
With my new interests in REAL food and knowing Asheville was a city to have similar taste....I was looking forward to feeding my belly with goodness.
We were drawn into a little place in Black Mountain by the alluring musician playing.  You know the type that in between songs talks to the people around, asking us genuinely how we are doing and what we were up to.
It had a pretty good view too.
On the way out Beach mentioned it smelled like goodness.  To which he was handed a huge brownie right out of the oven for us to share as we walked out...how sweet (and added to the small town appeal)!
We came across this slide...crazy right?
So while I was pumping (sign again) Beach tired it out.  Review: It looks cooler than it is.  He just got off at one point when he was no longer moving. 
That night they had free Shakespeare play in the park in this amazing set up.  I thought that it would be fun to try something different. But I knew nothing of Henry II....and after a few minutes of the play felt really silly (to put it mildly) that I could not understand anything that they were saying. However, if I focused really hard, I could capture what was going on...we ended up splitting at intermission...but enjoyed the idea of it. 
They had a fun festival going on the next day in Downtown....full of fun crafters...dancers...and interesting people to watch!
I love the human mind and what can come out of it. 
Beach is always so willing to take pictures when I ask him too  :-)  I have a pretty hot model...even as a pink monster. 
We also stopped in many fun shops.
And it just makes me want to create more myself....next on the list...making soap.
With some great recommendations, we escaped out of the rain to a chocolate heaven.
I had to stand at the counter and drool for several minutes before making up my mind.
Beach had gone upstairs to save us seats, and when I ordered I got carded....really?  I had no idea that Beach's order (complete with chocolate, beer and espresso....yes it was amazing) had alcohol in it, or that this 33 year-old-face could be thought of as not 21 yet!  What?  So I had to leave the long line, run upstairs to my hubby's rescue as I didn't have my license on me. 
Beach thought it was glorious. 
Can I say I love Cuban food....and restaurants.com for and amazing deal. 
The next day on the way home we stopped by Hendersonville for their apple festival.  It was a bit rained out but still interesting. 
I REALLY wanted to go hiking, but the weather was very threatening and we weren't sure were to even go....so we found a place after veering off the interstate at one point, took a chance...and it was beautiful.  
How I love seeing our creator at work with so much variety!  
And then we came across this on our walk...a goat farm...I can still smell it now.
We did finally make it to the top of the mountain...although I thought Beach was going a bit crazy, as we had no idea how long it was going to be or if was going to pour on us at any moment.  
Oh, how I wish we cold do more of it...and I can't wait for the girls to experience such too!
Beach carried this stick for several miles...has a plan for it he told me.  I love that he is so artistic and I know will come up with something amazing.
Then on the way home, we saw this......with the end on the interstate leading to our house....where the best treasure of all awaited...the blessing of our girls!  A great adventure, but a great reason to return, too (even to all those tasks that come with it)!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

A very happy half birthday to you! (& Aug. fun)

Shiloh's half birthday (Sept. 1st)....and we were not even with her (on our get away)....but she was in my thoughts none the less.  This fastly growing babe has hit the halfway point and just as happy as ever!  She truly is such a joy.  
Several times now she has fallen asleep holding on to her toy that is hung from her car seat....hold on baby for this ride of life can get pretty bumpy!
It seems that our trip to Florida last month, and being nursed to sleep at night has gotten this girl thinking it now has to happen every night.  I'm afraid it is her new pattern, which puts momma out of commission for most of the night.  How I don't mind snuggling this babe, but it can be stressful with so much to get done for the business....I keep telling myself to just enjoy how much she loves to be around me (as I know that this may not always be the case.....sigh, teenagers). 
Zoe, on the other hand, demands the company of many toys, books, plates and toothpaste (yes, Elmo and pony toothpaste are a must) in order to go to sleep. Many times I take armfuls out of the bed, to her dislike, explaining that there just isn't enough room for her.  Theses things are a blessing to me when she wakes up, though, as she always seems to love to stay in her bed and play to herself quietly singing and talking away for quite some time. 
Zoe loves when she gets to see her friends at the chiropractor's office!  They now have a mom's group meeting once a month that she is sure to have some fun at!  What a joy to see her interacting with others.
I'm not sure how this kid is able to make new faces and look so different all the time. Perhaps it is all the water in these shots!
We discovered a movie playing one night at a local park...great weather and great times...can't wait until they get older (maybe then we can stay for a whole movie  :-)
August in the south means the kickoff to college football...and Zoe is a fan of the Gamecocks as well.  
My work had a fundraiser at the stadium where I was busy painting faces.  
Zoe has been going through some recent separation anxiety, so it took her a couple hours to not be by my side.  Even when I was painting, she wanted to be in the chair behind me! 
Some fun family shots.
This Heisman trophy winner was impressed by my little Shiloh's strength (that's my girl)!  Love those smiles. 
Zoe, Ms. not in to pictures right now, did not appreciate such greatness. 
But had a good time, none the less, at the "Gamecock Party". 
We love us some Wells and getting to crash their house for the first game.  So much love wrapped into one chair!
Finally, some not blazing temps, so off to the park for a picnic dinner (and more funny faces).
Shiloh had her first swing ride!  I think she is a fan and enjoyed watching her sister show her the ropes.
Here's to even more interactions between the girls, more fun times and enjoying this world and blessings we have been given!