Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Sparse January

Something always feels so fresh about a new year.
We had all been looking forward to going to Florida for a long weekend to watch my cousin get married.  I took a ton of photos for that, but it looks like the rest of the month was pretty sparse (record for the shortest monthly blog in 13 plus years right here).  Much of that had to do with a lot of sickness around our house AGAIN. 
In happier news, Shiloh started basketball, her favorite sport.  Thankful I was able to squeeze in the last spot on a local rec team.  
It has been a couple of years since she has played.  I call her my gentle giant, as she is so much taller than everyone in the group, this can make it more intimidating to her, as she didn't want to hurt anyone.  
However, she did learn more of a balance after a game or two.
When you work out in a sauna, you leave an imprint when doing wall squats.  Don't worry, it drys quickly when it is 130 degrees in there.
There was a brief break in my sickness that I could visit my sister, who had to be hospitalized because of her UC flair.  It was during one of her better times and a joy to see her!
Then there are the random selfies that I always seem to find on my phone.  I will miss this when it is no longer the case!
Ezra somehow made this one, and looks so old to me.
Here is to a healthier month next month!

Monday, January 15, 2024

Manatee Love (Part 4 of Michelle's FL Wedding)

 After a jam packed long weekend we headed back to SC to return to school and work the next day.  
During our trip planning, when we realized that we would be in central Florida during the winter, Danielle and I thought it would be fun to take our families to swim with the manatees.
It was somewhat on the way home and they provide wetsuits for us all.  (I failed to get many photos of the girls).
The boat took us to a canal where it was just us (and another couple who were on the tour as well). While the water temperature was fine for some in our party, it was quite chilly for me (and some of the kids).
The water was not as clear as expected where we were at.  While I was very excited about this adventure, once getting up to these huge creatures, and having a harder time seeing them, I was surprised to find myself somewhat intimidated.
We watched a video of what not to do before we left and had a lot of instruction.  So I think I was, also, concerned about not doing the right thing.
I was eventually able to relax a bit more and enjoy the experience. Our guide with us had a go pro and was able to capture some photos with it.
While manatees can hold their breath for some time, they do have to come up for air on occasion, which was a great time to see them!
The canal had several manatees and a couple of babies. 
Sometimes you don't even realize how close you are to them.
This manatee had barnacles on him (or her).
Some of us stayed in as long as we were allowed, wanting to capture every moment!
All smiles!
Stopping for one last photo opt before heading back home!
Some teen kept jumping behind us to photo bomb our picture!
Makes for even more smiles...
The outing made for such a fantastic end cap for such an amazing weekend and family time!

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Michelle's wedding (Part 3 - Beloved Family Time)

After an amazing pervious day where we got to see my cousin getting married, the celebrating wasn't over. We were thankful we all had one extra day to fill it with family time, which was truly such a gift.  The littlest of littles were up earliest and enjoyed playing games.
While someone snagged my phone...
On the way to my cousin's house, we stopped by a local coffee cafe to enjoy a drink on the way....
Love this man.
They had a nice wall mural outside of their shop. 
Visiting at my cousin Jenni's house was so much fun.  We enjoyed checking out their animals....
My girls had been wanting a bearded dragon, so it was a great time to ask all the questions....

Apparently we needed multiple pictures of us with the dragon.
Dog hugs.
Karaoke was a fun surprise...
Gluten free pizza and boba treats (all of which were consumed without pictures). 
AND a painting class demo from Jenni (who was starting out a new business for such)!
The kids branched out to do their own art work. 
Group picture (minus Zoe who was in the bathroom) of all the painters.  (I was bummed I didn't get to take a picture of all the men that were hanging out as well.)
We had such a great visit and then it was on to visit more family....
We headed to my Aunt Maggies and her family.
We got to spend time with my cousin's children, who we had just met the previous day....
and their new puppy.
Then the adults just had a great time chatting it up and catching up!
This crew had a great time together that it made it all the harder knowing we had to leave the following day.
So thankful for my aunt and her HUGE loving heart!
Such a special time together!