Sunday, January 14, 2024

Michelle's wedding (Part 3 - Beloved Family Time)

After an amazing pervious day where we got to see my cousin getting married, the celebrating wasn't over. We were thankful we all had one extra day to fill it with family time, which was truly such a gift.  The littlest of littles were up earliest and enjoyed playing games.
While someone snagged my phone...
On the way to my cousin's house, we stopped by a local coffee cafe to enjoy a drink on the way....
Love this man.
They had a nice wall mural outside of their shop. 
Visiting at my cousin Jenni's house was so much fun.  We enjoyed checking out their animals....
My girls had been wanting a bearded dragon, so it was a great time to ask all the questions....

Apparently we needed multiple pictures of us with the dragon.
Dog hugs.
Karaoke was a fun surprise...
Gluten free pizza and boba treats (all of which were consumed without pictures). 
AND a painting class demo from Jenni (who was starting out a new business for such)!
The kids branched out to do their own art work. 
Group picture (minus Zoe who was in the bathroom) of all the painters.  (I was bummed I didn't get to take a picture of all the men that were hanging out as well.)
We had such a great visit and then it was on to visit more family....
We headed to my Aunt Maggies and her family.
We got to spend time with my cousin's children, who we had just met the previous day....
and their new puppy.
Then the adults just had a great time chatting it up and catching up!
This crew had a great time together that it made it all the harder knowing we had to leave the following day.
So thankful for my aunt and her HUGE loving heart!
Such a special time together!

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