Saturday, November 22, 2014

My 8 month old growing little man

This month has been pretty rough on Ezra's lack of pictures and energy here.  Poor Ezra got his first sicknesses, with a high fever and then a cold.  His momma was not able to give him any immunity, as she was hit by it too (awful stress).  But overall, he continued to be a great baby, not even too fussy when sick.  I could tell he hasn't been his always smiley self though!
Ezra sure got to moving this month.  He went from barely crawling to getting around hard core with his combat crawl.  To my dismay I have also witnessed him pull himself to standing....slow down sweet baby of mine. (Don't worry we moved his crib down after I came in and saw him doing this!)
We have finally gotten around to the whole food thing and have done some baby weaning.  The few foods he has tried he has accepted and seemed to greatly enjoy.  Although sometimes you would think I have never done this before and forget to put a bib on him.  When we have family dinners at my parents house, it is crazy town as my girls seem to respond a lot to the energy, so poor boy doesn't get as much attention.
Ez still loves his momma's milk and even gets to enjoy it outside sometimes when Aunt D watches him!  Although feeding him has become a sport, at times, as he is twisting and turning and too busy to drink sometimes.
The upcoming holidays should be fun, as I'm trying to soak up these precious moments of firsts with probably my last little babe!

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