Monday, August 8, 2016

Finally making it to Waterfall Junction

For some reason I had been putting it off...bringing all the kids to the new Waterfall Junction at the Zoo.  Perhaps it was the heat and not wanting to face all the crowds with three littles by myself, but at any rate I ran out of time quickly!
So by the time we did make it there, I think some schools had already started, which was great for us as it wasn't that crowded and was a celebration of sorts to the close of summer.
We explored all the things the area has to offer and they were thrilled!
However, by far their favorite was the water play!

In the area that had water squirting up at you, Ezra had a priceless reaction each time, wanting me to witness it!
Oh, the simple joy of a 2-year-old!
Shiloh insisted on me taking her picture with her face smashed against the ropes.
But I prefer this one!
A great spot we waited for in order to partake our picnic in the fairy garden.
Then it was onto the digging area where Zoe truly enjoyed figuring out and using the crane.
When we visited Beach's family a few weeks later he found this adorable picture from when he was around the same age!
Rock angels?
It was truly hard to get them to leave this area!
But we did briefly check out the children's garden...
And then hit up the water one last time before we said peace out!
What a special blast of a day!  The only thing missing was our Beach....hopeful for next time!

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