Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter & Birthday (take 2)

April 1st was a special day this year with it being Zoe's birthday and Easter.  Even though we did celebrate the day before there was still some special things for her on her actual day as well, like a yummy breakfast!
When we got home from church, Zoe found a surprise waiting for her from her neighbor buddy!
She is at the age where craft kits are just perfect, in that she is really enjoying making things!
Then it was off to my parent's house, where we got a family picture...
or two!
(Not needing to take a time out as my anxiety had been a battling me hard core.)
Then Danielle led us in a Seder!  Such a special activity and I'm so thankful that we got to do it again this year!
"Why do we eat reclining?"
(Danielle was reading the words from her phone.)
While there were no tears this time, Zoe did have strong thoughts about the herbs dipped in salt water.
Next it was time for Resurrection Rolls...
I try to look past what they are made of and focus on the hands on significance of what they represent!
It's so great that the kids can be involved.
After they were cooked and "Jesus" (marshmallow) was gone, Lydia exclaimed, "My Jesus melted!"  Not quite but did open up some talk ;-)
After our amazing dinner, it was Zoe's turn to open her birthday presents.
Grammy kicked it off with giving her some jewelry!
Her first "lego set" (she was excited about them only because they were "girl leggos").
Then it was time for card reading from the cousins.  Zoe was a good audience to listen and validate the looonnnnggg story of the cards.
Rollerblades she had been anticipating!
And a Beanie Boo!
Sweet 8-year-old!
Selfie with the birthday girl again!
Finally event was the Easter Hunt!  (I kept this picture of Danielle trying to get out of my shot because she looks so pretty.)

Grammy and Poppy's property lend to plenty of places to hide.
Love these sweet girls!
Picture with the best mommy ever!
And the best Sisters ever!
Zoe wanted in on the love!
All the littles with their finds!
And Shiloh caught a caterpillar.  Her face when I asked to take a picture...
that's better!
Christ the Lord has Risen!  What a beautiful day to celebrate so much!!!

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