The bittersweet of February monthly recap (we also had a wonderful Valentines day and trip to the zoo)!
The first half of the month there continued to be a lot of time spent in bed for me with this cute view!
Ezra wanted to take this oh so flattering picture while my amazing sweet friend came over to muscle test me and get me squared away with my supplements. I kept the picture, even though I don't like, because I like what it represents and how even through hardship there is love.
Some hammock fun with daddy one beautiful afternoon.As always, much outdoor fun.
Zoe started her cheerleading dance during halftime and rocked it with her cute self.
Beach's extended family Christmas get together (postponed previously due to sickness), brought everyone together on a beautiful Saturday.
The kids had a gift exchange.Shiloh has to greatly restrain herself from getting involved in other's presents, especially those that she wrapped.
Shiloh got just what she asked for...
and LOVED her new teddy.
Zoe was equally impressed with her requested headphones. They were so soft she even wanted to sleep with them that night.
We got to celebrate sweet Adalyn's birthday with a family tea party...
and part of the best thing about gift bags...
Making it rain...
Love their excited little hearts.
Their sweet little treats and singing to them!
May this year be the best one yet!
I love that my almost 9-year-old still loves to be held (and hold hands) with her momma!
Zoe has been doing awesome at school and made the "A" honor roll this time. She wanted to sit right up front.
Pretty proud of herself, as am I!Then they had their 3rd grade music performance, in which Zoe requested a speaking park. Unfortunately, Daddy and the other littles weren't able to join us as they were fighting some germs! We were all pretty bummed that they were not able to be there.
It was a long program filled with music from around the world.
While too much of this month has been filled with rainy days, the few that had sun meant that we were outside. One day when I was homeschooling with Ez, he proclaimed that it was too hot (granted I don't think it was even in the 70's yet), and he decided that his shirt must go.
Our daily reading is even better outside.
Zoe discovered her knitting kit and has begun to enjoy using it.
Work has begun on putting a full bathroom in our basement. I must confess there is a bit of trepidation but also excitement for this new venture. We had been hosting an AirB&B there and know with this upgrade it will just improve things!
Friday afternoon with nicer weather and I was feeling decent = some outdoor play. This is Zoe's Stretch Arm Strong impersonation picture (whether she knows it or not).Bringing some Loveland Coffee makes it even sweeter (we offer a lot of decaf and kid friendly options).
Ezra enjoyed hanging out as well.
I relish all the little places there are to explore around with my growing crew.
The first graders at the girls' school collected food for the local food bank.
They had an optional filed trip on a Saturday to drop off the items (over 500) and learn more about it.Shiloh, her teacher and a couple of her buddies.
We got to attend a precious friend's baptism at her church one Sunday. Such a beautiful process representing new life.
Sweet Zoe getting her cheer on was our view each Saturday morning!
This little cook doesn't mind getting dirty.
Kids are enamored with playing with Solo cups.
Breaking the fast in the best of ways!
Intro to quiet time with little Shiloh.
Still nervous about the skates but trying anyway.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sometimes having a low key Saturday means having some individual time following the child's lead. Ezra has now entered the love of Lego world.
Shiloh has been excitedly planing for her upcoming party.
Beach's little Valentines goodies....cheese and chocolate platter...
Captured by Shiloh. A candid shot may not be the most flattering, but I wanted to remember this moment and treasure it, as I just see my mom's love in it!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Crazy morning hair don't care!
Disco Living Room Party!
The end of Cheerleading for the year!
Zoe won the little "Best Dancer" award, which she was thrilled about!
Her little buddy who was playing basket ball this year, too.
Poppy came to cheer on the last game.
A fun creative birthday party with amazing results.
Zoe wouldn't smile at this point in her work, as she wasn't too happy about it (but was pleased with her final results).
So fun!
My little su-chef is always ready for action. This time he borrowed my glasses that I wear when I cut onions!
My sweet boy picked me some flowers!
More outdoor fun whenever we can.
Sloth rides for the whole crew.
Whowwww! That is enough for one month, as we prep for the next very busy one indeed!