Over all, this month has been mostly cloudy and rainy (at least it feels that way). However, the stairs aligned when the girls had a day off of school and it was sunny and nice. We took advantage of it and headed to the zoo with the cousins. Of course I pick the sunniest spot for our first picture. Many attempts but the second was my favorite!
Top of the list to see were the baby gorillas, so we headed there first. One Cutie Patootie was out right by the window and we were captivated (most of us that is) by it's adorableness.
While it was pretty crowded we were able to stay and enjoy the view for quite some time.
More sunny pics!
Pretty much any statue the kids wanted a picture with...
Spotting the elephants enjoying a drink.
I do so love that these littles get to grow up together and bond along the way!
Hands on exhibits for those that love touching!
My parents were the ones actually watching the Russell girls for the day (as both their parents had to work), and unfortunately this was the only picture I managed to take with them!
Zoe's favorite thing is on the totally other end of the zoo, so when it was time for the Russells to go we bid them adieu, and rode the tram up to the gardens. Ezra's highlight of the day.
My little cutie pie!
Dinosaur dig was a popular place and this kids all enjoyed it.
We explored the rest of the area (quicker than they liked), as there is so much to see. Being at the zoo for 4 hours was wearing this momma out.
When I told them that we were just going to walk down the hill instead of waiting for quite some time for the tram to return (waiting is not my strong suit), I did receive a lot of protest. But we made it back before the tram could have even made it and enjoyed more of the beautiful day. Thank you Jesus for such a gift of a day!
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