We have had some running action around here that has become a little contagious. Zoe participated in Run Hard again this spring. The last event is when all the kids in the area that participate in Run Hard do a 5K together. They all run with a "buddy"! Since neither Beach or I were up for the task, my amazing sister, Lauren, willingly stepped in to help us out!

Zoe had some leg pains during the race, so it wasn't a quick pace for them, but I was thankful that they got to do it together!
Finished strong!
Some of the team for an "After" picture.
It was early for this momma to even get there, but glad I was able to cheer her on!
Around the same time, I saw that they were doing a kids Governor's Cup race downtown. I thought it would be a fabulous thing to do as a family. Seeing that it was only a mile, I thought it might be doable. So we had a couple of days were we ran as a family for a trail run.
So sweet, walking back afterwords one night...showing the love to one another!
My momma heart was nervous and excited about the event that went down one HOT Friday night.
They shut down main street and had some fun activities going on as well.
It was mildly chaotic at first, as it was not divided up by age the way I that they had informed us. However, we eventually got going.
I could sense Ezra was not feeling his best that day and just not himself. Once we got a block or so behind us, he told me that he couldn't do it. However, as we held hands the entire way, I had him constantly repeat after me, "I got this!" And he did, he ran the whole way (at a quick pace), as did his sisters! It was a perfect opportunity to practice having a growth mindset.

Zoe had a friend she found there!
Zoe had a friend she found there!
Hot little ones that I am so proud of!
They had a little after party, where they got sunglasses, metals...
face painting...
and balloons.
We truly had a blast!
One of the kids favorite parts was checking out the roof of the parking garage afterwords.
I am so thankful that my body is doing well enough to do such events. Embracing another fun thing we can do as a family in this new stage of life!
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