Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Grand Fall

We had Beach's parents come again from Michigan for their fall trip.  It began the way it always does, with treasures to divvy out and explore.
Many are toy heirlooms that have been in the family.
I especially love these couple of pictures.
Nothing says Grandma like a little bit of sparkles!
One of the kids took a picture looking into their new kaleidoscope.
Shiloh was thrilled about getting a camera to use.
The next day was packed with adventure.  Starting with a drive across town with us all in the van.
Pretty exciting for those in the very back.
We went to a vintage market and each of the kids got a little treasure.
We stayed so long (thanks to also finding a re-sell shop next door) that my blood sugar dipped low, and I knew I had to eat.  In an act of desperation (OK maybe being slightly dramatic), I agreed that we would eat hot dogs from a gas station on Two Notch that Beach had happened to see a write up in the paper the previous week.  Also on the menu, catfish stew, for some giggles!
Then it was off to our local library for their fall fest.
Made some new friends as well, like this opossum.  
I know the kids favorite part, though (maybe not just the kids)!
Home for a quick costume change and then ready for more festivities!
Playing with my camera and this shot made me chuckle!
Going to the vendors set up around Harbison Lake is always a favorite activity.
It was a beautiful day...
And then I got a massage that night!!
The next day, after church, we where ready for round two of fun...
The kids had seen the signs up around for this Trunk or Treat put on by a new church in the area.
The live DJ was a hit with the games like Red Light Green Light.
Shiloh finally won a prize.
Then to a church festival we always love to visit...
Hey ride fun...
Another example of why I have to take multiple pictures with my crew...
to get a good shot.
It was great that the kids had Monday off that week (fall break), so we got to enjoy a Cinnamon Roll breakfast together!
A true labor of love that Donna serves us getting up so early to make the perfection.
 Sweet reading time before bed.

That night was Ezra's last t-ball game...
He had enough courage to allow the coach to pitch to him (which we were encouraging just for bravery sake) and got a hit. The most I remember from this evening, though, were the man (or mainly Jessica) eating mosquitoes that chased me down wherever I went.
Uncle William came out for the fun!
Ezra's team on that last night.
Love this one!
Then it was on to trophy time!
Presentation of the teams...
and strong picture.
Ezra liked getting his first trophy. 
We got to meet Donna's cousin who came in town for a special visit.
There were treasures to be had!
And all were thrilled!
Then it was off to our Mexican tradition dinner!
I tend to stick to the fajitas.
Grandma love...
and funny pictures!
Thankful for new family!
One last picture....
to top off another great full visit!

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