Sunday, December 15, 2019

Winter School Fun

Some of the latest elementary fun that I got to join in on...
Shiloh had a field trip to one of the oldest school houses in the state (thus, no heat) on a day where it was cloudy/rainy and in the 30s.  Not my preferred good time but I was so thankful that I dressed very warmly.
They got to learn some history about what life was like "back in the day", including a snack break.
We were thankful for a break from the elements to do some crafts inside.
Decorating of the gum-ball tree...
Stringing popcorn...
and making air fresheners from oranges and cloves.
The kindergarten at the kids school had a fundraiser for our local food bank, where the kids raised a ton of money selling hot chocolate and doing a food drive.
They have the option of helping deliver the food, organize, and hear more about Sharing God's Love, which is so close to the school.
It is a fantastic experience that I think they need to start an awareness of the many needs in our world and what part they can play to help.
The girls were excited about Christmas parties at school (can you tell which one decorated herself as well)!
I was thankful that I got to help in each of the classrooms, as it happened that the parties were at different times.
2nd grade snack assistant (which means I get to talk to a rotating small group of kids - always so fun).
Kindergarten was up next...
And I helped make Candy Cane ornaments.
Finally it was 4th grade, where it was more ornament time.  Zoe wasn't thrilled that I wasn't with her the entire time.
But she warmed up in the end.
Busy day!
I just had to laugh when I saw Shiloh with all the things that she had boughten home the last day before break.  Her teacher allowed her to decorate the classroom and she did not take that task lightly.
After a busy few school weeks, I think we are all a little thankful for a break.

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