Thursday, April 30, 2020

April at Home (mostly)

In April we got the news that we would continue with the homeschool quarantine life, so there was a lot of screen time for school with finding a balance in life.  Zoe took a break for a little cuteness thrown in.
The littles were excited to get Easter cards from family with a bonus inside.
Thankful that my 10-year-old loves to still crawl into family laps for some extra snuggles!
Habitats were on the radar for all the littles at some point during Quarantine school.  Inspired, they attempted to make a tadpole sanctuary.
Sometimes we get creative with the assignments like through using Play-Doh to create habitats. 
Weekly zoom calls in action.
Ice cream sandwich leftovers from the birthday girl's celebration!
We all love the gluten free goodness!
Occasionally we did some fun experiments as well.
Shiloh loves to assist and gets into the teacher mode.
Shiloh, also, hid some site words in eggs around the yard for her brother to find.
I do love Kindergarten, as you can truly see how much they grow in a year.  We were to send pictures of some of their school work to their teachers.
Ezra took and loved this picture....
A karaoke microphone inspires some fun MC action.
There are often shows of some sorts around our house.
Baking project!
Annnnddd...more Zooming!
I so do enjoy when my man will be silly with me....nothing like a shaving bib!
Beach's parents are always so good at sending cards for the season!
The kids enjoy getting their own mail!
Shiloh has big weekly projects and presents them each Friday to her class.
It is a nice way they can all stay connected.
So we had a scary evening of storms one night, only to wake up to find that a tornado had come through our yard, taking out a few large trees of ours and our neighbors.  One landed right next to Beach's car, leaning on it but left not a scratch, though taking out the neighbor's fence.  This picture was taken after they had chainsawed quite a bit of it, early that morning.
We had already had quite an emotional week, and I love our trees so, that I was in disbelief with a sad heart.  
However, we had so many neighbors, family, and friends that came out to help, that it was truly a blessing and so touching.
I was, also, so very thankful that no one was hurt!  These were huge trees that could have done some major damage, yet everyone was safe.  That, with the fact of so much help, is what I will hold on too.
And I will appreciate all the firewood we now have.
School must go on and I think the kids enjoy the hands on activities that are away from the computer!
Including some of their own experiments...
and a picnic on the former golf course.
We attempted to plant some herbs.
There is a line for the local scooter wash...
Making the emotion faces for a school assignment.
Mom was involved as well.
This one is not my favorite.
Another week, another Shiloh presentation, this time on her chosen mamel, the dolphin.  She worked hard in organizing it and making it clear.
We had a new critter in our yard, in which Shiloh was able to capture with my phone.
It would later be the inspiration on the topic of her next research project.
Shiloh is always coming up with some kind of creation, this time snack version.
Zoe was excited to show her cousins a new "trick" her dad had taught her in regards to ketchup.
Lydia was a good sport and ended up very much enjoying the process and getting it all over her.
Ezra created some wrapping (with the help of his sister) in order to gift his Poppy some special playing cards.
Shiloh had prepared a gameshow of sorts (despite her never seeing one before), in order to give out prizes.
It did not captivate the men...
but the littles were sure entertained and showered with treasures.
In hearing me mention something about doing the same exercise for 26 minutes, and how I thought that was crazy, Zoe insisted that she could do so.  I bet her a dessert that she couldn't.  Her determination was stronger, though, and she legit did squats for 26 minutes!  Her siblings took attempts at such as well!
We had a nice dinner time at my sister's house one evening.  Zoe was making a face at the corn, which is why I snapped the picture. Despite this being my only proof of the occasion, it was really nice to get tother.
Zoe was inspired by her recent workout challenge, that upon hearing about one that our chiropractic office was doing, jumped on board for the their challenge, and kept up with the many activities!
One activity was running a mile, which we took to the trails.  Ezra joined in with us, which always means handholding while running.
There were, also, alignment stretches, in which Zoe had her game face on!
While we don't leave the house often, when picking up another school packet, a trip to Loveland Coffee was needed first.  Cheers to the last school pick up!
In preparation for our upcoming trip, Zoe wanted to make energy balls.
Raw messiness brings about many smiles!
Getting adjusted.  Shiloh studded how to do so just right so she could adjust her beloved teddybear.
School building project using recycled materials, and Ezra couldn't be more thrilled.
Then on to organizing CDs by color and creating a bar graph!
Ezra has been asking his daddy for a long time for a haircut.
Beach did a great job and took a long time to get it just right!
It was shorter than I expected....but still oh so cute, and both the boys were happy with the results!
We got through the month (meaning I survived schooling at home and all the emotions that came with such, my health flairs, and all the hardships of the world), and it was one so unexpected.  Holding on to the amazing times that we did have together and releasing the hardships.

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