Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day at Home

The week leading up to Mother's day, the kids had serving on their minds!  They set up a "spa" in their room, complete with foot soaking station and massage station.
Ezra got in on it as well, with a back scratch and essential oils.
We (my mom and sisters) carried on the tradition of getting together to create art with yummy treats and celebrate our amazing momma!
Lauren was gracious to host again.
This year we returned to trying our hands at watercolor painting, as both my sisters are awesome at it! (Semi-awkward make sure we are sitting up strait picture - check!)
We were finally able to decide on a simple fun piece and all took stabs at it!
It is always interesting how it brings out different aspects of our personalities.  
If you know my mom you know how she is such a shinning light and example to all her cross her path, especially her three girls!  So glad we got to celebrate her together with some quality time!
Mother's day morning I woke up to a fantastic feast, complete with gluten french toast and fruit.
Sweet note from my Zoe!  She knows I love flowers and watching thing grow!
It was a relaxing day, in which I enjoyed an amazing salad made by my man out on the back porch.
The littles wanted to go on a walk to pick some wild blackberries, and my sweet boy picked me some (weed) flowers along the way.
Racked up on the blackberries this time.  Girls had a plan on what they were going to use them for!
We headed to my parent's house that night, in which the girls had the blackberries, flowers, and sweet note for all the mommas there.
Yummy dinner with always so much energy at the kid's table.
My sweet middle wanted to take a picture with me....
but silly is more her style.
Shiloh had my phone and captured some candid pictures.
While they may not be the best shots, I do like how they captured how we spend so much time around this table in discussion, even after the meal is long over.
Andddd a little sweet to top off the day!
My greatest job/role by far is being a mom, and I am beyond blessed to have my three amazing little to shepherd for this time!


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  2. You are a wonderful shepherd to them!!!! I am so lucky to watch my sisters be amazing moms- ups and downs you seek to honor Jesus through it all <3
