Besides our amazing beach trip, this June was unusual with the lack of normal summer activities.
The kids got creative in the kitchen, including now being able to make their own breakfast (smoothy covered bananas with sprinkles anyone?), which they enjoyed.
The littles, also, created a "circus".
Which included a snack break...
and a clown full of jokes.
Momma got a morning out....
for a bit of pampering.
Ezra got the sweetest little gift in the mail...
from his teachers. Since we were out of town for the in person delivery, the mail it was.
We are so very thankful for his amazing teachers this year!
Sweet 4-year-old friend birthday at the park.
I would say the angel food cupcakes were a hit.
More creations from the kitchen.
Another performance time at my parent's house.
Complete with prizes thrown to the audience.
Most mornings I am able to enjoy the beautiful weather with my Creator.
Homemade pizza night with friends.
And I, again, only got midway eating pictures.
So proud of my one my great friends who got her gym up and running, despite the crazy times. Ashley is one hard working amazing lady!
Father's day we kicked offed with a big breakfast on the back porch.
Many cards...
and art work.
Beach took his truck out for a ride....always a favorite for him.
The littles got a ride around the neighborhood as well.
which they were very excited about.
Blessed with such a hard working, loving daddy!
My sisters and I got to spend time with our own dad with dinner, dessert and game night. Taking a picture proved challenging for Lauren, as she was continuously "loved" on by their large puppy.
But we managed to get one decent picture! We oh so love our dad and are thankful for his growing gracious heart!
Shiloh asked to hold my phone to take a picture of this interesting fella.
Sweet time at a good friend's birthday!
I was so busy talking....these were the only pictures I captured.
The kids have had fun with their virtual camp and the girls are learning to sew...starting with making their own pillows.
The teacher was awesome, despite the challenge of having to do so virtually (also, the room was pretty messy at the time).
While at family dinner one night, the girls came up with a fun "game" in which they had contestants guess the Oreo stuffing flavor.
The "flavors" were ones that they came up with (like ketchup, toothpaste, mayonnaise, etc.). It brought a lot of laughter (and disgusted noises)!
Despite it not being a normal June, the kids did find ways to keep it lively!