Tuesday, September 8, 2020

First Days

6 long months these littles have been waiting to go back to school.  It has been a lot of stress just making the decisions leading up to what would be the best for our family (as is the case with most these days). The 1st day of school finally came though!  Special breakfast with a yummy muffin to kick things off.
Of course we had to take some pictures... 
Ezra going into 1st...
Shiloh going into 3rd...
And Zoe going into 5th grade!!
A sign of the times!
The schedule needed to be that Ezra and Shiloh were at school together the first couple of days.
Can you feel the love?
My heart is sad they have to wear masks for most of the day but they had a good attitude about it.
Shiloh and Ezra's teachers were fabulous in sending me a picture from school (we were not allowed to walk them in).
Ezra's amazing teacher, also, posted some pictures for us on Instagram.
I always love seeing little glimpses of their day!
Little supper hero (although the real superheros are the teachers).
We were all so excited that Ezra got to be in his cousin's class this year!
Zoe will be going to school on opposite days, so she started out virtually at home, taking different positions with the computer.
Break time/recess meant hanging out with momma on the swing.
When picking up from school, Ezra had on this adorable hat. We all needed to celebrate this milestone of a day and, thus, headed to the kiosk for a celebratory drink! 
We know that this year will be like no other, and we are trying to enter in with a "growth mindset", very aware that things could change along the way.  Praying for continued discernment and wisdom and grace for all during these challenging times.

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