Saturday, August 6, 2022

Shiloh 4th

Shiloh has LOVED her 4th grade school year, largely in part for having a fantastic teacher.
An adorable picture, which I later realized she wore the same thing in her previous spring very similar to her last one (yes we did not buy this set).
Shiloh's teacher had them put together a binder throughout the year, complete with a summery and pictures for each month.  What an awesome idea and something Shiloh will treasure. I included the pages throughout the blog.
"When I grow up I want to be the president. My best friends are Isabelle. The best part about school is everything.  Color: Red and pink; Book: Kidy Sweet Tooth; Subject: ELA; Sport: basketball; Food: hotdog; Game: Uno; Ice cream flavor: rocky road; Song: Happy; Animal: cat and dog; Special Area: PE; TV: Power Rangers; Season: winter.  I want to remember everything!"
"Favorite activity: the snowball fight. Excited for 4th grade: everything.  Learned so far: writing.  Favorite memories from summer: relaxing. Goal for next month: be more happy."   
"Learn in ELA this month: we did the littles and we did fractions.  Learn in SS and Science: we did the water cycle. Enjoy about our class: like pink day. Looking forward to learning in October: more Halloween.  Goal for next month: to read."
Shiloh won the award for the month for individuality.  This is fitting, as she truly is one of a kind where nothing holds her back! 
For Veterinarians Day, the kids had a parade at school for the veterans in their families, and Shiloh was excited to have her Grandfather come through.  She, also, was all about dressing up for the occasion!
This month she appeared to be in an extra hurry to fill out her form...the one I like most...."Goal for next month: my goal is to be VP for the 4th and 5th grade." Which she accomplished!
Shiloh wrote a poem about being a 4th grader that she was quite proud of and recited many times at home!
She won another very fitting award in the Run Hard program for "bee"ing a great leader!
"Learned this month: I learned Sun, Earth, Moon, and shadow phases.  Thankful for this year: I like Raz Kids goal, student counsel, and Thanksgiving. Favorite memories from November: I like Thanksgiving lunch and the student council.  Things you have done this month:...helping the librarian. Gaol for next month: have more fun!!!!!  Favorite thing about Friendsgiving: making people smile." 
I AM GRATEFUL FOR: bananas, food, family, music, Run Hard, singing, parents, friends, sports, sister, dancing, water, holidays, nations.
Shiloh has been taking art lessons from a neighbor this year and has made many fun creations.
"Things you learned this month: I learned prefixes, MAP test, Revolutionary war.  Favorite memories from school in December: Christmas and I loved movie day and concert day.  Favorite memories from home: Well I loved Christmas and being with friends and family.  Something you will always remember about 2021: I will always remember happiness and love.  Goal for January: have more fun."
"In the new year....I want to have fun. I want to go to Fox Farm. I want to do more hiking. I want to read Making Friends books. I want to improve my spelling.  I want to imagine every possibility; I want to try everything.  I want to change to no chores. I want to be happy. In the new year I am going to be so happy."
"Learned this month: well fractions, long division and Revolutionary war.  Favorite memories: snow day, 100th day of school.  Favorite 3 things about winter: snow day, fuzzy mud, light.  Word you picked for your New Year's Resolution: Joyful.  Goal for February: smile more."
"3 things you learned at school this month: Well I learned fractions, light, and sound.  3 things loved about school this month: I loved Valentines, Black History Month, and I survived (books).  Passion project: I loved black history month. Goal: I want to read 100 books and make a cart."
Can you guess what day this was?
"Learned this month: learned fractions, line, idioms. Enjoyed this month: I love pizza, egg drop, and March madness. Reasons you consider yourself to be a lucky kid: I am a lucky kid because I have the best teacher ever and good friends. Looking forward to spring break: I am looking forward to spending time with my family."
She created many fun pieces in her after school art class.
"Learned: I learned all about me, plants, the tda field test, and the Civil War.  Enjoyed about school: I loved the pie and the April fools and food. Most proud of: What I am most proud of this month is April fools day. Love about spring: I love Ms. Moody. Goal: to eat more food."
Her art teacher was getting married.
"Learned this month: 
Enjoyed about school: I loved spy day and mysteries 
Proud of: I am proud of my tests. Love about school this year: I love Ms. Moody. Goal for 5th grade: to give more."
"Me as 100 by Shiloh. Shiloh is adventurous, creative, and brave.  I went to the woods of thar and fast Big Foot!  I will eat 20 ghost peppers.  It was so spicy!!!  I made a giant gummy bear.  It was so yummy yum!"
"Shiloh Ann Loveland.  Teacher: Moody the best.  Age: 10. Grade: 4th. School: Irmo.
When I grow up I want to be a chef.  By best friends are Saya, Makayla, Zaraly, and Grace. Best part about school is Miss Moody.
Color: Pink. Ice Cream Flavor: Cookie dough. Bood: Grand. Song: Girl on Fire. Subject: science. Animal: dog and cat. Sport: volleyball.  Special Area: PE and art. Food: Subway. TV show: Survivor.  Game: Heads up 5 up. Season: spring.
When I'm old and wrinkly I want to remember: friends, MISS MOODY!" 
While they did not have award programs this year, Shiloh earned the "A" honor roll for the whole year.
The sweetest letter from her beloved teacher!
My gorgeous girl (who does not like me to proclaim such) had such a fantastic year full of fun learning.
Shiloh loved it so that she was so saddened to see it end!

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