Wednesday, May 31, 2023

May Mixtures (part 1)

 May is another full month that includes finishing up parts of our home reconstruction, Mother's day, field day, Beach and my anniversary (18 years now), and Shiloh finishing up elementary school.  So many in between moments, as well, so May is a two parter.
 Beach and I have been trying to go on more walks, usually just a quick 10-15 minutes after diner to help with digestion, to get some fresh air, and reconnect.  This time of year seems magical and is helpful to try to regulate and put things in perspective. 
Often Ezra wants to go with us and enjoys riding his bike on the hills.
When you just need a break and to jump in and make weed angles!
Zoe wanted to perform in her school's talent show, so she learned some magic.
She got some assistance from the audience.  I was proud of her for being so brave and trying new things!
It was an enjoyable night watching these junior and high schoolers perform!
Grammy's birthday is up first for the May celbreations!
Her arm is still giving her pain from breaking her shoulder, but she is feeling somewhat better.  Ezra explained how he made her an airplane card.
Presents and...
a yummy dessert made by Danielle!
We love you mom!
Family get togethers mean more baby time!
This time some of the girls got to try feeding Josiah.
The sweetest little boy!
Zoe, also, got her belated gift of a sweatshirt that she requested.
She totally wasn't expecting it, though.
And was pretty excited!
Zoe's drama class had an interesting performance that they were in charge completely to put on.
It wasn't Zoe's favorite thing to be apart of but I am glad I got to see it.
A 20 minute run on the dam was beautiful, but I left with hurt ankles that I paid for for days.
Movie night and folding that laundry!
Journal workshop celebration at work. I love being able to host others and seeing them in their gifting.  I don't always remember, though, to take good pictures of such.
Date night of sorts for Figs spring release that has an article of Beach in it.
It was a good and delicious time together.
Pool party compliments of Zoe's orthodontist.  The kids did not seem to care that it was only 70 degrees that day, they were all about it.
The pizza and snow cones were a draw for them.
Beach even had a snow cone as well.
Diving boards, hula hoops, and....

limbo contest.  
In which Zoe and Ezra were amongst the winners. 
While a colder evening than we would have liked, the kids had a great time.

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