Last year was a doozy when three of my four family members from my family of origin were diagnosed with cancer. God was so gracious, though, and after surgeries for all, everyone is currently in the clear.
My parents small group had a party for them and another couple in their group to celebrate. They had them ride in on golf carts!
Sweet hugs.
It was such a beautiful property at their friend's house.
New momma cancer survivor!
Of course Josiah got a lot of love!
Sister love, too!
They had an amazing local band play (which I didn't get a great picture of).
So much yummy food under the tents!
Lots of dancing for those that chose too. Addalyn was all about it!
Fun things just kept coming.
"Take a picture with me Shiloh!"
How about a nice one?
Yard games...
Line dancing for the Bougie Babes.
Danced into the night.
Then a surprise to top the night off....a fire baton show. Pretty amazing!!!
It was such a special evening, and one that we will always treasure for what this season represents! I love you so much Mom and Dad (and Lauren) and what a blessing to see others that love and want to serve and honor you tonight!
Amazing Party for an Amazing family!!!!