Tuesday, December 31, 2024

December Love (Part 1)

While there was some continually sickness in the beginning of the month, towards the end of December we were all well! So thankful for that and for the things we were able to do together....
We decorated for Christmas and it was Zoe's turn to put up the star.
Tall enough now to not need assitance.
Ezra enjoyed setting up the train around the tree for the first time, with the help of Beach.
December starts a time of Advent, as we wait. The kids enjoyed advent calendars, as I enjoyed daily devotions around such.
So much business on the first weekend of the month. Our amazing friends hosted a Christmas party at their house.
Such a fun host!
Sweater twins....
and grins.
Meanwhile, Shiloh went to her first dance, a winter middle school formal at her school. 
Thankfully her best friend's mom took them and snapped some pics for me!
They even had a nice dinner with her family.
Ready to dance...and quite a bit chilly!
Fun with their cheer coach and somehow all in the same color scheme. 
They had a great time!
Zoe and Ezra saw their friends at my parent's church when visiting with them (clearly it was a themed day).
Later that day, Shiloh marched in the parade with her cheer team, and Zoe and I got to go and catch the beginning of it.
Then it was off to our staff Christmas party, where we enjoyed eating together.
As well as a couple of games and presents.
It has been a challenging year, but thankful for the Lord building back up our team.
After cleaning up, we realized that it was the last day for the drive through nativity scene at the church next door.  I called Beach, as we drove separately, and he joined us hoping in the very back.
Even though we were tired, not wanting to miss this tradition, we capped a very full weekend off with such.
Women's Christmas party at church.
They always do a fantastic job.
We enjoyed making a craft of our ebenezer and worshiping together.
On a quick walk with my little man and he found a huge leaf.
Selfies found on my phone this month....
Another day, Ezra and I finished our errands early and had a little time to squeeze in some fun at the park.
So pretty with some of the fall leaves still holding on.
Small group Christmas party white elephant gift exchange fun.
Beach manages to sleep on most couches at some point.
Despite the business that may be going on around him.
The Loveland seniors had us over for lunch and a candy cane hunt for the kids.
It was a little chilly but thankfully sunny.
And go!
A great afternoon and they are a blessing to do this for them!
Heart full with the first half on the month with more fun to come (part 2).....

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