So thrilled to finally get on the beach after a fun arrive the previous day! Despite the overcast weather, the day was wonderful.
Full of waves, giggles and sand.
I'm thankful that Ezra is still pretty hesitant about things....makes watching a 2-year old a lot easier on the beach!
Breaks for snacks.
We took a walk down to the end of the island, where we were the only ones there.
Watching the little hermit crabs make their countless winding paths.
Such a special time of exploration!
And a cute little log to take funny pictures on!
During a late nap for the kids, Lauren and I explored the small private island on bikes.
Oohing over the amazing houses all around. (I'm clearly not a master of biking selfies.)
Some little man was super thrilled!
We showed them around the lay of the land...
And stayed away from the alligators!
Some of us were more into making silly faces than others.
Dinner time prep...
and then catching the night views.
Reminder that the awesome photo shots in the post are my brother-in-laws doing!
The next day called for a lot of rain...but Beach and I squeezed out an adventure in the morning with Lauren and William. Aaron brought some kayaks and there were some at the we just put in out back and headed out...
The next day called for a lot of rain...but Beach and I squeezed out an adventure in the morning with Lauren and William. Aaron brought some kayaks and there were some at the we just put in out back and headed out...
Through the winding trails....however, knowing that were were alligators amongst us was not supper comforting so we went into the ocean. I was elated when we saw a small fishing boat followed by many dolphins. We headed that way and it was amazing to have them swim around us. The fisherman was friendly sharing his shrimping experiences and showing us the goods. It was awesome!
We paddled along the cost after that but the storm clouds looked pretty threatening, so Beach and I headed back while the others attempted to get out at the beach.
Enjoyed some game...
And found other things to keep them occupied during the rainy day.
Aunts can be pretty fun...
and silly!
Dad blew up one of his rafts that he brought so the littles could watch a movie in style.
There was popcorn to be had, of course, too...
And snuggles for "scary" parts.
A quieter day, it was fun none the less...but I was itching to get outside some more....bring back the sun!
Such good memories!