Saturday, September 30, 2017

Focusing on the Positives of September

This month really has had many highs and lows, as the first half I battled some sort of sickness.  Fortunately, there were many fun things to make good memories including my ice skating date, birthday and the farm tour.  Also the bits in-between that don't need to be forgotten!
Co-op day and somebody found the sticker drawer!
The first time I asked for them to take a picture, this was what I got!
While the girls are away, Ezra will play!
One Saturday we had enough energy to enjoy a walk outside on the golf course.  Ezra attempted some plane flying.
When he got worn out from all that running, Ezra caught a ride (notice the hand placement).
We walked a good bit, thankful of the beauty that is so close!
Zoe was sitting in the "sun room" one afternoon and I just loved how the light caught her face.
We had the best surprise when Beach's uncle and aunt were in town and called wanting to take us to dinner.  My sister was thankfully able to babysit and my heart and belly were so full from this amazing night!
Co-op day again!  I love 3-year-olds!
Ezra made a crown at church!  He even managed to smile without opening his whole mouth!  
Zoe's grade preformed at the school's PTA meeting.  She was pretty excited about it!
All the kids did a great job and I loved it!
Lunch date with my little kindergartner!
Donuts for Dads and the girls were pretty excited that Beach could make it!
Nothing says small time living to me like the Okra Strut Parade!
We camped out at a pretty good spot and were drink ready!
Zoe was in the parade with her dance group.  She really did not want me walking along with them and gave me the biggest hug when I informed her that I wasn't!
Parade watchers in full force!
Kids were stoked about the candy.
I will say we all had a great time!
Thankful for amazing weather this year.
I do love how Zoe's dance team always points the focus to Christ!
Let your light shine little ones!
Shiloh made herself comfortable with finally great weather!
I didn't realize that Beach had taken a picture of her as well.
Here is to better health and cooler days in the month to come!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Farm Touring

It was highly anticipated in my mind, as last year I had a blast on the Midlands Food Tour.  The hurricane pushed it back a few weeks but luckily we were all fully well and ready to enjoy the day (a nice break from all the housework we have been spending our Saturdays).  The Russell girls and my mom were able to join us for the fun!  We started with the farm furthest away, Arnold Farms.
Even though we saw a variety of animals throughout the day I think my kids favorite were the friendly dogs and cats that they got to meet.
We were shown how rice was grown along with a few veggies. (Side note: if you see an awesome picture odds are my sister, Danielle, took it.)
We bought some yummy organic grits from an awesome farmer and he threw in the biggest sweet potatoes that I have ever seen!
The one potato fed our whole family and we had leftovers!  
 We will added it to the organic rainbow beans for a start of an amazing meal!
Our next stop, Carolina Bay Farms, also had many animals running about, including a talking turkey.
It seemed like a lovely place, but little information.
Fire Barrel was up next and we were quickly visited by the goats!
Since goats eat pretty much anything, the kids enjoyed finding some long grass near by to give to them!
Shiloh would loudly squeal/scream each time she did so (which was a lot)!
Even the littlest littles were brave.
Mom got in on the action and seemed surprised at how hard they took her grass.
Shiloh did enjoy lying down on this bench but quickly sat up when the farmer explained that that was where they milked the goats!
There is something special about a Grammy, and an amazing day in the country.
My mom was such a good sport to take this picture before we left!
I almost drove by Meadow Acres Chestnuts without realizing it but so glad we saw the signs! The owner was great in giving us a tour about their beehives and chestnuts.
Some little three-year-old still prefers to be held, that is if he is not running.
I knew zero about chestnuts so it was pretty fascinating to learn more about this plant.  The pods were very poky on the outside!
The littles loved searching the ground to find some nuts to help collect!
And they adored being able to sit on the tractor!
Such a fun little stop, one of the favorites for sure!
They had a couple of rescued raccoons in the back.  Which slowly woke up from their slumber to get a donut treat!
Some of the littles had to be greatly encouraged to leave the tractor to continue on with the tour.
 Next up was Lessville Aquaponics which was interesting in it's own right.  However, I realized that I managed not to take any pictures there.
A repeat visit form the previous year that we enjoyed was Terra Kotta Farms.
The owner's daughter did a fabulous job giving us the tour of the animals (she even "yes Ma'am"ed me a lot).
Shiloh got to pet a shy bunny!
The chickens were mostly free to range there and it was fun seeing the many spots they found to lay eggs!
We did skip the part of the tour that detailed the chicken processing (we decided to save the gory details from the kids).  We had just a few minutes to squeeze in one last stop The Winery at Mercer House
We tried a variety of different muscadine wines and thought a coffee pairing would be a great idea!  Such a beautiful property, I just wish we had more time to explore!
One last picture with my precious boy that hung in there without a nap!  
While we managed to hit all but three farms, I think we had a full fantastic day and look forward to the next one, as well as enjoying our new goods!  If your in the area you should definitely check it out and support our local farmers.