This month was full! Between my health issues and family visiting it had me stretched! Here are some fun moments in-between!
The art museum with just my little man (and cousin of course)... I was amazed how well he did in regards to paying attention and raising his hand to attempt to answer questions. This is a far distance from contently covering his eyes when strangers attempt to talk to us in stores!
The art museum with just my little man (and cousin of course)... I was amazed how well he did in regards to paying attention and raising his hand to attempt to answer questions. This is a far distance from contently covering his eyes when strangers attempt to talk to us in stores!
He is still not to into creating for very long but did enjoy cutting and gluing (I made his name for him).
Since it was our "date" morning, we picked up some food at Jason's Deli. Oh my word, I have never been there and felt like I was practically robbing the place when I used a coupon and left with an amazing salad which lasted me two meals!
Ezra was a huge fan as well...and we so enjoyed having the beauty of the governor's mansion with weather that was beyond amazing!
Ezra and Lydia loved running in the grass afterwords (especially towards and away from a huge cloud of gnats).
I do appreciate how they are enjoying each other even when the bigger gang are at school!
The only sad part was that it had to end! Ezra was not a fan of this at all!
So in that Ezra's nap was shortened from earlier adventures (and, thus, grumpy), momma needed a little something something to get her through all the running around that was needed!
Yes! Finally not too hot (nearly) to play outside in the afternoons!
Momma had to get in on the hop action!
Zoe who LOVES school but not so much homework, got to interview her Poppy!
Seriously one of my favorite times of the week! I have been missing it dearly, Holy Yoga! Just breathe!
"Take a picture of us Mommy!" Yes my sweet ones!
It's birthday time again....this time sweet little Lydia turns four!
She had an adorable Pet Party!
It was the first party at my parent's new house!
I got to paint some faces, too!
A little walk around the pond with my escaped animals!
Zoe was there as well, but I was just busy with painting, hold a sleeping baby (my fav.), and helping that I did not capture many picture. It was an awesome time!
Take your niece to work day with more lessons on coffee roasting!
This picture cracks me up. Shiloh was determined to get everything to stay without touching it!
Pumpkin painting time at the library = lots of fun & no mess at home!
I love that they love to play together (most the of the time). Ezra so misses his sisters when they are at school!
On a rare day when my hair was straitened...Zoe was pretty proud of herself for braiding it!
While momma rested one Saturday morning (I've had many down days again with my health). The kiddos went fishing for the first time with daddy and friends!
The girls dressed up for character book day for school. Shiloh was "Lady Bug Girl".
Lately she has liked hamming it up for the camera!
Zoe decided that while I was making dinner the night before that she did not want to be what we had planned, so she created her own costume, "Shine" from a book that she liked! I honestly had mixed feelings of frustration that she waited for the last minute to do this but yet proud that she was willing to make everything herself with a good attitude and did so out of paper.
Granted now being in second grade, she did get her feelings hurt at school that day from some not to nice comments from peers. However, that gave us a great chance to talk further about it!
Another proud moment was getting to attend chapel at my former college, CIU. What a treat to be back in this place! Beach was on a panel to share with the students as he received a recent alumni award. This moment would NEVER have crossed my imagination of existence being there as a teen myself ALMOST 20 years ago. God does far more that we can think or imagine that is for sure!
Then I was able to make it to Shiloh's fall fest at school, where it was a mad rush to paint faces!
Then I was able to make it to Shiloh's fall fest at school, where it was a mad rush to paint faces!
I also snuck in a picture with my own little. Poor thing was the first one for me to experiment with the type of paint that they were using, but she didn't seem to mind.
Chipotle was up for dinner that night with their fabulous Halloween deal!
The kids always seem to like Daddy's burrito better, so we tried that instead! Bonus that there were leftovers as they are so huge!
Superman was very insulted, though, after getting a look at his dinner!
I waited to long to get a good shot of the crew when we got home, as it was bit dark!
Then it was off to visit the neighbors!
Some were scary than others...
Our main goal is getting to know other's better and we certainly were able to do that for the night!
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