I will say this month was full of crazy, of all varieties. We had my in-laws here for a bit more (luckily our health stayed steady for that), we took a fun (and yes somewhat crazy) day trip to the mountains, we had a very blessed brief break from the sickness for Thanksgiving, a totaled van, a down and out mom and little bits in between...

One thing that encourages me is getting out in the sun! Even on days when I'm not doing well, if I have a little energy I try to get out (even if this just means sitting in a chair on a driveway).

Zoe wanted to reenact a leaf throwing picture that she had seen of herself from the previous year.
How I do love her passion.
Beach was honored at the alumni banquet at CIU for receiving one of the young alumni of the year awards.
One thing that encourages me is getting out in the sun! Even on days when I'm not doing well, if I have a little energy I try to get out (even if this just means sitting in a chair on a driveway).
Zoe wanted to reenact a leaf throwing picture that she had seen of herself from the previous year.
How I do love her passion.
Beach was honored at the alumni banquet at CIU for receiving one of the young alumni of the year awards.
"The Cookie Lady" did not disappoint and even snuck us in some of her specialties! I say we lucked out on a table partner.
The other honorees that attended!
In that I cannot have most of the things from the Midlands Swap, and I love it so, I decided to host my own and got so many goodies from this holistic swap!! It was a hit from those that participated and they wanted to do it again next month!
Shiloh wanted some leaf throwing pictures of her own!
It was that time again for the dentist and I think this was the best experience yet! They allowed the girls to share a seat while they got their work done, and therefore they was able to still see the TV. They even squeezed Ezra in, even though he didn't have an appointment! That took a lot more coxing geared at him but we made it through.
Thanksgiving feast for the kindergartners and even daddy was able to come!
We were able to have Adalyn at our table for even more family!
Cousin loving!
This little sure is loved!
While in 2nd grade they don't dress up, it was still a joy to have lunch with my first born the following day. She was not feeling that well, so she she left early with me to rest at home.
Such a special night in so many ways! I was blessed by my friend teaching a watercolor painting class and catching up with some old friends.
I was surprised and pleased with the results thanks to this beauty!
Ezra always likes to get into something fun when he comes to work with momma at the roaster!
Co-oping again and this time we needed to re-create the picture of the littlest from exactly three years ago (it popped up on my Facebook time hop).
The worst part of the month occurred one night when I got rear ended with all the kids in the van. It was pretty traumatic for us all and a big pain to deal with but thankful that we are okay overall!
A kind police man let us attempt to keep warm in his car. I'm pretty sure I was in shock the whole night!
A sweet afternoon with friends and I'm not sure who had more fun, the kids or us!
Sigh! The rest of the month and the many moments in-between were dealt with sickness and hardships of various degrees that unfortunately continued way beyond the month. However, I don't want to forget all the sweet moments in-between! Count your blessings!
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