Continuing with the adventures of the month (post 1 here)....
Birthday for Poppy! Celebration at Lauren and William's house!
Homemade cards and gifts can be a lengthy process.
The is one loved Poppy that is for sure!
Zoe got her belated birthday present from Aunt Lauren...
Which she loved of course!
Part 2 of the zoo field trips, this time with the second graders. Zoe was pretty excited to find an owl (her favorite animal).
A posed area for many years!
I must say this trip was a lot less stressful with calmer children and more parental help.
Although, I always wish I could spend more time with the sea lions but the kids seem to busy to stay long.
It was another special morning for sure!
One beautiful Saturday we stopped by our car repair place, Mickeys, for a fun little celebration!
All the kids were pretty excited to see the firetruck!
And to even pretend to drive one!
(They were barefoot pretty much the whole time due to the fun of the jumpy house).
"Who wants a ride to bed?" Double duty with both of the girls meant it was more of a sloth ride with this good sport of a dad.
It was little man's turn for a birthday date with Aunt Lauren.
Topped off with a trip to Chick-fil-a!
Rainy day sisters means an excuse to use her umbrella!
There are often days I can't do much of I came up with "10 minute time" where each child gets one on one time with an activity of their choice. Shiloh was really into giving me art lessons for awhile! Rainbow fish this day!
One of my favorite times is right before nap time....
where we still have lots of snuggles with our singing and praying each day!
Another day's 10 minute time we made little ballerinas! (And by we I mean me, and Zoe watched.)
Love my boys!
Thankful for the fun highlights of another mixed month!