Thursday, April 19, 2018

Loving me some April (Part 1)

So much love for this month's highlights!  I was a little overwhelmed by the amount of pictures so I broke it down a bit between a couple of monthly blogs, Strawberry picking and my main man's birthday!
First up....the littles kicked off Spring Break with a Tea Party with Grammy!
While Momma got a little break in the beautiful yard....the kiddos got to practice with the nice tea set!
They had a great time and nobody broke anything!  ;-)
Shiloh got her birthday date with Aunt Lauren...
The artists got to work outside...
and then enjoyed some Chick-fil-a action.  Shiloh demonstrated that there are other ways to eat an ice-cream cone (like from the top and bottom).
I had to get a picture of the two of them when they got back...
Shiloh clearly had a great time!
An opening at a new downtown boutique hotel was a great reason for a night out with my love!
The place is incredible and we loved getting a "tour" by one of their designers for an inside peak of all the amazing details. They source many local products...including our coffee that we had made into  K-cups for them.
If wanting an awesome stay in Columbia...I would check them out!
Sister sent this sweet picture to me from school.
Sometimes naps call for extra snuggle time with my boy!
Little Shiloh wanted a picture with her Snow Globe from GGPa and Cosby.  She really LOVED this item - guess how many days it took until it got broken :-(
A night with friends calls for golf cart ride...
and exploring! (I couldn't get everyone in the picture...sorry Will!)
Not pictured: All the trash Shiloh collected.
Co-op day: when Ezra saw that Liddy had on her LC shirt...
he had to put on his, too!
It's field trip season and I got to go with this little cutie pie.
Of course the time I attempted to take a picture at the zoo, it was near the flamingos and my sensory child did not appreciate it!
Beautiful day for a backyard birthday bash..
My girls with one of the birthday girls...
and another.
Filters can be pretty fun and entertaining.
We had trees that surprisingly needed to be cut down (this always makes me sad).
The littles wanted to watch but were pretty scared.
Somebody has a wiggly tooth (the joys of childhood)...
Alright....on to more fun of the month!

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