FINALLY feeling like fall.....means a ton of time outside, as well as the girls getting glasses and checking out the Touch a Truck! Also, a ton of pictures so splitting it up into a couple of blogs. Park time with these little cutie pies!
When Zo was under the weather one day, she joined us for nap time, a big rarity nowadays.
New signage and paint job for the kiosk! Beach was gracious to watch all the kids during the process while I was at a meeting. They wanted to wear their gear as they were "helping".
Gladdy's Gang at the art museum was finally back! I was thrilled to find a friend there that I hadn't seen in a long time.
Wood was the theme this round and Ez participated.
We had to stop for a picture on the way to the when the trees are decorated this time of year!
My little date got a special treat! Thinking of her cousin that did the same, one year before, and missing them!
My sweet boy and such a sweet time!
I will feeling great one day, so we we decided to have a family date downtown to see the Gamecocks basketball exhibition.
Zoe was thrilled to see the cheerleaders.
She also enjoyed the show! However, I'm not sure how much she could actually see without her glasses that were soon to come.
The whole thing was quite stimulating for Shiloh.
One of the girls favorite parts was playing with the basketball game themselves.
We hosted a fun event at the roaster, put on by Magnolia Thyme, which was amazing!
She helped me arrange my pumpkin, as such is not my strength and I loved how it turned out! I can't wait for the next one!
October always means pumpkin time and fall fest! The first one of the season was at the library.
Painting pumpkins and faces!
I broke down and a couple of them got a little bit of cotton candy. Ezra couldn't take his eyes off of it!
Sometimes you just have to stop and watch the sunset and marvel at His beauty at your front door.
Finally, some cooler weather!!! One Saturday, Zoe was excited to find a new friend at Ezra's soccer game that even had Shopkins to play with!
Zoe always think Ezra looks too cute! She wanted to take a picture one night at dinner, and this was her result with his silly face. He looks so old to me here!
Just chilling with his buddy!
I do so enjoy our mornings outside. 
Ezra is pretty content to play with the dirt while I get to read my Bible. This day he found some awesome bubbles to play with that kept him pretty entertained!

Although I must say I was pretty amused myself at them all!
There was much snuggling needed with this one as his recovery time was a bit longer. I was just so thankful that the Lord gave me joy even in the hardest, and grossest, of moments!
Zoe has been talking about cheerleading for awhile now, so we signed her up and she was so excited to get her pompoms!
Maggie and Walter came bearing a lot of gifts themselves! Each one so special and individualized.

Zoe got two awesome books that she is enjoying!

While they sure didn't need to do that, the gifts meant a lot to each of them!
Ez missed out on the fun the night before, as we were still keeping him quarantined, so he got to open his beloved gifts the next day! He was trilled with his recycle truck and belts!
The Compassion center rooms were by far the favorite and one could see how they truly were a light in so many lives.
The children were really engaged throughout the process and we ended up doing the other two countries as well they were so interested! I love that they get a little feel of the other's lives and soured on a lot of conversation. It is such a deep spot in my own heart that I hope it can be the same for them someday!
Ezra is pretty content to play with the dirt while I get to read my Bible. This day he found some awesome bubbles to play with that kept him pretty entertained!
Although I must say I was pretty amused myself at them all!
Poor sweet Shiloh came home with a stomach bug from school. And when I say "came home" I mean I picked her up and within a minute she was throwing up all over herself and her car seat. Have you ever cleaned a car seat (and child) full of barf?! I managed not to hurl myself, though, but went upstairs to find that she was still going. Poor thing was constant for the rest of the day and fell asleep on the toilet a couple of times with her head in the trash can. Bless. Thankfully she was able to kick it pretty fast and was feeling better by the next morning!
We made it to Tails for Tots again. However, Ezra was not acting himself and was very quiet. He did participate somewhat but I wasn't surprised that he had caught his sister's bug and was throwing up later that morning.There was much snuggling needed with this one as his recovery time was a bit longer. I was just so thankful that the Lord gave me joy even in the hardest, and grossest, of moments!
Zoe has been talking about cheerleading for awhile now, so we signed her up and she was so excited to get her pompoms!
I was greatly anticipating a visit from my aunt and uncle! In true Shiloh fashion, she made cards and pictures for them.
Maggie is such a great adoring aunt, who they all fell in love with!Maggie and Walter came bearing a lot of gifts themselves! Each one so special and individualized.
Zoe got two awesome books that she is enjoying!
While they sure didn't need to do that, the gifts meant a lot to each of them!
I was able to take the littles to a Compassion experience. I've been sponsoring for almost 20 years and this was my first time doing this, as well.
We all got our own headphones to use (except Ez was not feeling that and just listened out loud with his) and got to chose the country we wanted to see. It was then broken down into little rooms to tell the true story of one little child's life. The Compassion center rooms were by far the favorite and one could see how they truly were a light in so many lives.
The children were really engaged throughout the process and we ended up doing the other two countries as well they were so interested! I love that they get a little feel of the other's lives and soured on a lot of conversation. It is such a deep spot in my own heart that I hope it can be the same for them someday!
I would say we had a wonderful couple of weeks!
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