Thursday, October 11, 2018


With my eyesight being pretty decent, and the kids getting their eyes screened at school, it never occurred to me that we would need to monitor this more closely.  Zoe would comment on how she could see better wearing my mom's glasses, but with her things can be pretty dramatic, and it is hard to know how big or if it is even an issue at all.
It became really obvious to me when I was at her school and waved at Zoe when I walked by her classroom.  She gave me a really odd look, despite my friendly waves and signing "I love you," but I chalked it up to the fact that she didn't know that I was going to be there.  However, when I mentioned it to her when I picked her up that day, she had no idea that it was Ezra and I who had waved at her (instead she thought it was a pregnant African American women).  Ok, something was up, I would then ask her to read signs and she had no idea.  So we made an appointment and sure enough her sight was pretty bad.  A couple of weeks later, she was a proud owner of some new glasses.  (That time couldn't fly by fast enough for her.)
I did have a little concern for Shiloh, as she would watch TV looking at it from the side.  Sure enough, the Dr. explained it was like squinting, and she would need some as well.  They talked me into getting Ezra tested while we were there but thankful his sight was excellent.  Although he was not happy about it, as he wanted glasses like his sisters.
I will be honest, my heart sunk a little knowing that they needed glasses.  It's hard when someone tells you there is something wrong with you littles, even if it is thankfully something that can be remedied and pretty common.  I'm so glad they were so excited for them, though!  Especially for Zoe, things now look mighty different, and I'm so thankful that we found out!  Plus, they are pretty cute, too!

1 comment:

  1. Jessica, this is common stuff as a parent - not realizing your kid needs an extra boost. Nathan went for a air force or army or something physical and failed the hearing test! we were not aware he could not hear. he would say that he couldn't hear the teacher because he couldn't see her and my response was "well, sit in the front then". when he got his first hearing aids, in the doctor's office he started asking what noises were - the pencil scratching on the paper, etc. he didn't know the car blinkers made noise. talk about major guilt trip for me!!! he survived my carelessness as a mother and loves me anyway! It's good your girls are happy with their glasses. they look so cute!
