My heart is so full from getting to spend some extra time before you start school my beloved Ezra. It has been so fun to see you grow this past year and you continue to be a such a joy to all who know you!

Seriously, I can't get enough of that smile!
Ezra you are often so compliant, which greatly helps in making things go so much smother. (This is especially helpful as there are many other strong personalities in our house.)

Even when you do get upset, it is often a quick turn around to cheer you up!
Even when you do get upset, it is often a quick turn around to cheer you up!
Ezra you love deeply, including each one of your family members!
With all the girls in your life and family, lucky you have a few little boy buddies to play with too!

My boy, you continue to love all vehicles (I doubt this will ever change), and have declared on many of occasions wanting to be a firefighter when you grows up.
Even the dentist...
and allowing your sister's to dress you up! (You look just like Zoe at this age and it was uncanny seeing you dressed up....Daddy was not a fan, so it did not last long.)
Ezra, you had your first season of soccer and it was a joy to watch you!
My little helper, you are always curious on what is going on and wanting to join in. It has been such a blessing to me how helpful you are, all while having a great attitude!
I am so thankful, Ezra, that you are so gracious to me when I need to rest due to health reasons. I love that you will often still nap, as well (although it is not everyday). I so enjoy snuggling with you little bug! You often want to hold my hand and insist on sleeping on my pillow with me.
You are so sweet and affectionate. You know if I give you a certain look, that means a kiss and you are quick to comply!
Ezra you are my blondest of them all and with little curls in the back...
However, it was getting a bit long and crazy, and I must say that you are just as handsome with it short. Although, you look older, which is hard for this momma!
It sometimes takes you a bit to warm up to strangers but when you are alone you have become such a talker!

I've enjoyed our dabbling in homeschooling and you have been so excited to do things at home. It has, also, been enjoyable to take you on little outings to push your fine motor skills, which is not something your drawn to on your own...
but now you love writing your name and stick figures.
Reading is included in all our days...and if it is nice, outside we go!
To my Sweetest little man...
My heart could still burst with what a blessing you are to our family. While I didn't originally know what I would do with a boy, you made it such a breeze and blessing to get to spend everyday with you. If I could multiple you I would in a heartbeat. While I always tell you I could keep you forever, I know our time will past all to quickly, and I greatly treasure each of our moments together!
You are one loved boy Ezra Hughes Loveland!
Awe- Ezra is so very special!!! And loved!