My dear Shiloh, my amazing girl, have made it to seven. This has been a fun year seeing you grow even more. You still have such an unique personality that keeps me on my toes.
I have never met a child that enjoys decorating and party planning more then you. While you know that this skill did not come from your momma, we think you got it from your Grandma. Always wanting to know when the next holiday will get here, you are ready to make or find decorations anyway you can. Your mind seems endless in creativity and you don't seem to let road blocks get in your way.
You are still such a snuggle bug and can't ever get enough loving. You continue to cling to your comforter (still nicknamed "momma" or "Bushy") and enjoy sleep like no other.
Shiloh, you continue to have such a giving heart. While you may often ask me for things when we are at a store, it is never for yourself but always such a strong desire to give to others. You are constantly wanting to give things away, including all your money for the fundraiser at school.
You are bold, my love, something I wish I had a little more of myself. You don't mind talking to those you don't know and asking away.
While impulse control may always be a challenge for you, age (and the Holy Spirit) has really helped you bring it down a few notches. You are doing amazing at school, and I'm so thankful that you are enjoying it (even if you rather be at home with your momma).
One of your favorite things is to try to make others laugh and entertain them (insert many funny faces and noises). While we have had many discussions on this topic and appropriateness (and not needing to be always "on"), your heart is to try to do so at the right time.
Shiloh, you have a teaching spirit. Taking the lead role, if possible, and sharing your insights with others (when they allow it). I would be surprised if instructing in some form were not in your future.
You are my "finder" always seeing a new treasure in so many things. You especially like to take your time in seeing what nature has to offer.

You love hard! You care about your family (and others) very intensely (which often makes such fun photos).

You still greatly enjoy creating in different formats, and I often joke about you "arting" again all over the place!
You have loved that your hair has finally grown longer this year. You have also gotten the new accessory of glasses (which you have handled well).
While we don't have any pets of our own, you are still so drawn to animals and want to connect with them whenever we see any.
Ice cream remains your dessert of choice!
Life is no doubt an adventure with you around, Shiloh!
My precious, by far my favorite quality, though, is your tenderness toward the Lord. You are always the one to volunteer to pray first. You have great insight into things of the scriptural realm, and your love for Jesus always shines bright.

Shiloh Ann Loveland, as we say each morning: You are a child of the King; You are a leader and not a follower; Don't forget who you are, and continue to let your light shine for all to see. We are so proud of you my love!
Such a great description ❤️She is amazing!