On our last full day at Carolina Beach, we planed on doing a simple photo shoot with Aaron (F8 photography) always being such a great sport (all the fabulous pictures are thanks to him). We had gotten the girls matching outfits, which they loved.
Ezra, however, did not love the idea of getting his picture taken and refused to do so (very out of character for him). And then I was kicking myself for forgetting to bring a bribing tool to help for the occasion. So we just did a girls cousin shoot at first, with the smiles that didn't mind.
We got one picture out of Ezra before moving to another area. I include it for grins because...his face!
Changing the scenario up a bit in a little different area seemed to help...somewhat...
The grands that they love so much!
We walked to a nearby area...
And the girls showed off their pretty hair!
Ezra was a bit of a better sport (honestly I rotated between a little frustrated to hiding laughing at this faces).
Aaron managed to capture a decent picture in the midst of such Loveland craziness, which I am always amazed at.
The Russells were pretty gorgeous themselves.
Had to do another GRAND picture.
Then it was a short walk across the street for some beach pictures.
Can you tell it was a bit sunny!
Love my parents and so thankful for our time together.
Russells always looking good!
Sweet little cousins before they were released to run...
We then just enjoyed hanging out at the beach for a bit.
They are so cute!
He makes me smile!
Era is always up to being held!
Zoe was loving her hair!
Me and the best mom ever!
Zoe wanted in on the picture action.
We then went across the street and checked out the history of Fort Fisher.
Zoe has allllll the history questions, wanting to know all the details.
Bunker knowledge.
That day they had a tent sent up to paint a free little solider...
which two of my kids enjoyed.
The other just wanted to climb trees.
My handsome boys!
A little later in the day, we stumbled on a cute little nature park.
Of course we had to get back on the beach, too!
Poppy sharing about the animal creatures he found.
William caught another fish...
and I got some more snuggles!
By that time, though, Ezra was not up for anymore pictures!

That night was date night, and seeing as we were not far from Wilmington, we headed there for dinner. I'll be honest, I could not find anywhere that I really wanted to go to online, trust me I tried. Not being one for spontaneous plans, I was a little stressed about it. But we headed down in hopes of finding something.

We then walked around a bit more! Love it when a stranger offers to take your picture when attempting a selfie.
Watched the decent sunset...
before waiting in a very long line (like out the door down the street kind of line) for ice cream. I had to pick up a little fudge for my parents while we were there, as a childhood memory of something we always got on vacation.
If the in house waffle cone smell that wafted the air had not been so strong perhaps I would be able to resist....but I had vision of walking down by the water and enjoying the beautiful view.
Which we did, until I got scared at seeing a rat....and I was done ;-)
It ended up being a fabulous way (overall) last night of an amazing beach week!
That night was date night, and seeing as we were not far from Wilmington, we headed there for dinner. I'll be honest, I could not find anywhere that I really wanted to go to online, trust me I tried. Not being one for spontaneous plans, I was a little stressed about it. But we headed down in hopes of finding something.
After walking around a bit we settled at this spot because of it's location right on the water. Set up like a house boat, it was certainly a popular spot. The only down part being the sun shining right in my loves eyes.
We then walked around a bit more! Love it when a stranger offers to take your picture when attempting a selfie.
before waiting in a very long line (like out the door down the street kind of line) for ice cream. I had to pick up a little fudge for my parents while we were there, as a childhood memory of something we always got on vacation.
Which we did, until I got scared at seeing a rat....and I was done ;-)
It ended up being a fabulous way (overall) last night of an amazing beach week!
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