Saturday, January 22, 2022

Finally a Snow Day

It actually happened!  After getting a fake out (with church canceled and everything) the weekend before, it was a surprise to see the possibility again of snow that Friday night.
It didn't start till later in the evening, so the kids stayed up to get some amazing fun in.
They got to play and explore the snow with the neighbors as well.
So many squeals of excitement and snowballs.
We greatly missed Zoe that night, as she was spending the night with her bestie, but did get this picture.
It was hard for them to come in, but I explained that when they woke up, there would be so much more to play with the next day!
The next day was truly glorious and beautiful!
The kids had a blast.
Ezra has never seen snow like this!
My snow angel!
They tried many things for sledding, including a cookie sheet, boogie board, and kayak.
We headed to the former golf course with our board and cookie sheet.
However, the best by far, was getting to try out an actual sled that the neighbors shared with the littles.
It was very kind of them and they truly had a blast!
The hot husband of mine.
The kids attempted to eat the snow on many occasions.
They were not into attempting to make snowman when I wanted, however, they later surprised me with a little one that they made themselves on the porch. 
And we tried making snow cream for the first time, and it was so good and easy to whip up.   (We waited for Zoe to come home to join us for this!)
Zoe was pretty worn out from her sleepover, and fell asleep multiple times attempting to fold landry.
It was truly a day to be celebrated and so thankful that my littles got to enjoy this amazing aspect of nature!

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