Saturday, December 31, 2022

December Round Up (Part 1)

Thankful for all the sickness to be behind us (for the most part), as we enjoyed all the beauty of the season.  Here is the recap of the in between outside of the main event (Christmas).
Decorating the tree at my parents...many little hands and it was knocked out very quickly!
The littlest worked together the get the tree skirt just right.
Tradition of nativity drive through...
Hot chocolate and nativity books to read while we wait are part of the fun!
So many details that they worked hard on getting all together...
The reason we celebrate!
Library craft, wreath making...
They did a great job!  And Shiloh ended up gifting it in less than an Shiloh move!
Ezra put his hat on mine and thought it was so funny that he wanted to take my picture.
When my phone is left in my office and Zoe finds it (then there are many pictures like this on my phone).
Shiloh is in chorus this year and they participated in a program with the middle and high school.
They all ddid a fantastic job!
Shiloh was on the front row, despite her hight.
Thankful that the cousins finally get to be together in a class.
Can't hold that serious smile for to long though!
We all came out to support them!
Zoe got to go skating on her social outing with her grade.
She had a great time!
Our women's church Christmas party with some of my favorites!!
Thankful for these special ladies in my life!
"Candy cane hunt" on a cold morning, and Zoe enjoyed some hot chocolate.
Crafts and games...the kids had a great time.
When I picked up Shiloh from her class in church, I looked around and she has seemed to disappear in an instant. I spotted her a minute later, though!
Porkchop Production at the library, another favorite tradition!
Appreciate all their great talent!
Max Living Christmas party. While we may not do Santa, it is our tradition over the years to get our picture with him at the party!
A few minutes with these two before picking up Shiloh and we enjoyed it at the park.
Winter painting at the libary.
Happy with his work.
Still squeezing in brief workouts, as that is all my body can handle.
Zoe was able to come with me to the elementary school to help with Shiloh's party and she got to see her beloved 5th grade teacher.
Shiloh and her bestie...
Bingo fun...
They made snowman crafts.
I think they were all happy with the end results.
And the rest can be found here (part 2).

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