It some ways it is no surprise that our middle child has now hit the double digits. Her tall stature and maturity with some things, always makes her seem older. However, the actual day finally arrived, and I attempted to fill it with the things that she loves!
She wanted me to take her out of school for lunch, and requested Subway (as she had never had it before).
Then we hit up a cake store where she picked out a cake pop.
Then we headed to Lexington to another park that we don't have a lot of experience with.
It was fun walking around and exploring all the little areas.
Zoe enjoyed finding some nature that connected to what she had been learning in school lately.
Zoe liked the many places she could have her picture taken.
Shiloh's dessert of choice was donuts, so we headed to Krispy Kreme where they picked out their favorites.
Caught Zoe on film.
Shiloh is such a joyful present opener.
Shiloh loves hard and is so loved in return!
They are blessed to have the grandparents living in town now to join in all the celebrations!
Found this photo on my phone later!
My sweet, thoughtful, joyfull, artistic, giving child....may you continue to grow in love and grace. We are so excited for what the future holds for you!
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