Thursday, July 18, 2024

Forts and Date Night - Beach Trip 2024 (Part 4)

We decided to explore a little of the area outside of the beach. I found a local park near by that had a short boat ride to a fort!

It was first come, first serve, and we wanted be on the first boat out before it got to hot (which, thankfully were were), and we hung out on the charming property beforehand.
Kiddos attempting to climb trees...
It was a beautiful morning to take a look at all the nature around...
Then we took the short ferry ride to the fort...

We had a great guide to explain the history of some of our earliest days as a country.
Then we got to explore the fort...
Small latter climb to the roof lookout.
Moving the cannon!
A fun little adventure....
Then we headed back to the house....
to have more beach time!
It rained pretty much everyday (despite the forecast not calling for any).  This day we decided to try to ride it out under a tent, as it didn't seem as intense...
It eventually cleared up and we got to enjoy some more playtime...
Boogie boarding is the most popular activity with our crew.
Then it was date night and Beach and I visited the local distillery...
We ran into Danielle and Aaron as well...
A quick picture before we parted ways for our dinner spots...
The walk was not to far away.  However, the skies opened up again and we got drenched.
Dinner was great, though!
Beach opted for the chicken and waffles (they had gluten free) and I had shrimp and grits.
We walked around a bit more and found an ice cream shop that had dairy free ice cream that looked amazing.  However, we should have sampled it first, as I have not had anything with such little flavor.
We weren't sure if we were going to get pored on again, but Beach was willing to walk around a bit more with me.
Checking out the lions bridge...
And then the Lord gave us the most beautiful sunset!
We ended up walking around the castle and enjoying people watching...
Even the walls of the fort were fascinating.
It was a beautiful end to a filled amazing day!

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