Friday, July 19, 2024

St Augustine - Beach Photos ('24)

The weather had been spotty all week and it was toward the end of the week that we attempted some family photos. A huge storm came rolling in, though, that look very threatening!

Thankfully Lauren and her family was ready first and they were able to get out there and grab some adorable pictures!
It takes the idea of "mini photo session" to a whole new level, as we were scrambling once we all got there!
Josiah is not a "be still" kind of kid, so this made a cousin picture a bit of a challenge, but Aaron did great.
Grammy & Poppy with all their Grands!
It would have been nice to have just a couple more minutes but glad we did get some pictures!
I have never been on the beach and seen such a storm roll in!
In some ways it was really beautiful...
But did make us rush back in way sooner than we would like...
Walking (quickly) back home...
and I snagged a few more pictures since we were right next to the house.
And once we were safe and sound back on the porch and watched the storm some. 
You never know when Zoe will pop up wanting a silly selfie!
While not the weather we were looking for, we at least got some family beach pictures!

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