Monday, June 10, 2024

Ezra - 4th

Ezra found himself at a new school this year for 4th grade, which was not his preference, but he did well as always.
I'm not sure what was going on with his hair in this photo. 😂
"It was a warm day in Irmo.  Presents being wrapped and it smelled like cake.  The house looked cool because it was decorated with sports stuff, and it was all for my b-day.  After school (which was a half day), we went to Publix to get a tasty sub and a key lime pie for tonight.  We went to the park to eat the tasty sub!  It was so fun!!!!!
One of the few days the kids aren't in uniform, Halloween.  Ezra was a racecar driver (wearing a hat in orange, black, and white on the left).
A puppet he made.
Some artwork he brought home....
Class photo.
Gingerbread house.
I love this artwork that he did in art class!
I was thankful to go on a field trip to the zoo with Ezra's class.
Our group was a combo of lots of energy (and some with lack there of), which made for some interesting dynamics.
We had a surprise rain in the middle of it, which caused a little chaos.
Donuts with the dean (for those in the school that were chosen for the special reward for the week).
Wear blue day (during the last week of school).  Ezra was excited to take a picture with his teacher's matching car, and even got to sit on the roof!
Spring pictures were on a Friday, where they can wear their team clothing wear, hence the USC sweatshirt.  Ha!
Clearly I was not planning on buying these photos in that I didn't even notice he had worn jeans with holes in them (which I, also, was not aware of).
Ezra effortlessly aced his way through the year without any issues. Thankfully his easy going personality made a transition to a new school no sweat for him.  He enjoyed riding the bus for the first time this school year and making many new friends.  So thankful for rocking another year, as he heads into his last one of elementary school!

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